Is he Norwegian? Swedish? Danish?

Is he Norwegian? Swedish? Danish?

Attached: 1588262299065.png (758x806, 835.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

british i believe

not an ish or an ian but an er

see plenty of those lads in Minnesota

Looks like an American to me.

His mother was an African queen who was raped by a norse viking


Attached: joker hair.jpg (599x611, 36.09K)

scandi here, he doesn't look like anyone i've ever seen here. looks like a fucking amerimutt


He is greek


Attached: 1588100487152.png (1314x813, 1023.44K)


that is swedish man

Attached: 1517660262700.jpg (1254x1063, 174.63K)

Why doesn't he have a beard and why is nobody mocking him for not having a beard?


>looks like a fucking amerimutt

No. White Americans are Anglo Saxons and even whiter looking than Viking savages

Attached: 0923849023894.jpg (650x488, 27.03K)


Attached: 1569709581525.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)


He's like a really weird mutt take on Dirch Passer.

Attached: Dirch Passer.jpg (1200x676, 127.93K)

Attached: white.jpg (680x596, 41.99K)

>triggered redditspacing amerimutt
>posting photoshops of people that don't look like any real person

Attached: 1587743415744.jpg (302x167, 6.15K)

He's irish

Attached: 7572-133.jpg (640x463, 93.74K)

Sheeeit nigga we wuz knights and sheit
We wuz Birmingham!

If you buy tgis piece of shit you are a cuck

What game is this?

Attached: 1587843167133.jpg (1404x1903, 754.72K)



white americans are only about half of americans though. You do not define america, you are but one of the options at the american buffet.

honey, vikings are noble and woke. They do not rape


...until we genocide the non-whites

God these armor designs are so absurd

Looks like a native swede to me.

Attached: Swedish ancestry.jpg (750x728, 274.04K)

totally offtopic like this thread. but was reading some book written by black american woman. because i liked some of her previous books.
cities come alive, have "avatars" and multidimensional shit. sounds like it could be interesting concept.
but it's fucking like twitter and Yas Forums shitposting combined so far. even Yas Forums is mentioned there. why the fuck do it.

Attached: 1582418487171.png (1024x496, 255.44K)

look at the fresh haircut he got

new ass creed

user, your country is become browner by the day.