>source code leak
>no updates in +3 years
How did this game fall so far?
>source code leak
>no updates in +3 years
How did this game fall so far?
shut up pussy *nigger farts* mmm
It had Valve as a developer
valve being drip-fed off of steam
Can you still use sprays?
Video games as a whole have begun dying because of poisonous investors and subversive design philosophies. TF2 is a dinosaur by all standards, it's not bad but nobody even knows how to maintain a game like this anymore.
Only if servers allow it (most don't cus it's off by default and they don't bother changing it), and players go an enable them because clientside they're off by default.
on community servers
>How did this game fall so far?
that stupid idea of roll your desk to the project you want
everybody can leave, they did, now there's no support, not talking release a big update support, but fix the damn glitches support
only in community servers
only way they can appear in official is that that user sprayed it in the same community server you were playing
crap, I like my sprays!
Git gud, get lmaobox.
>How did this game fall so far?
People stopped playing on community servers. Wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to wait for valve to patch this and you just kicked them?
>nu-Valve holds a class redesign poll
>the two dumbest, most brain-dead classes are the only candidates
>not any of the classes that are excruciatingly overpowered (sniper, demoman) or completely garbage (spy)
>the dumbest class of all wins
>nu-Valve realizes the class is dumb
>its play style is dumb
>its "mains" are dumb
>its role in the game is dumb
>Nu-Valve also realizes the class plays a vital role in various aspects
>crowd pressure, spy checking, projectile reflect
>they cant totally revamp it or the game will have a big, dumb hole in its core design
>takes YEARS deciding on what to do
>finally picks what nu-Valve always decides on: completely half assing their promise
>reworks the class's attack projectiles and gives it new weapons
>the new weapons are old concepts seen across various community boards years ago
>no reason to use any of the new weapons because they are inferior to the stock primary flamethrower
>which is now laughably overpowered because 1 flame particle does 3 times the amount of damage it should, due to the revamped travel paths and ramp-up system
>everybody hates the update because every team is now 8 overpowered damage-over-time no-aim-required pieros
>nu-Valve folds its arms and pouts
>reverts everything they did to the point where you wouldnt know there was even an update at all
>doesn't update ever again
>Care very little how spaghetti'd the code gets over time
>now everyone who could work through it is gone
>All your new blood are rightfully intimidated by this big a mess and don't want any part of it
>So instead they all opt for the new stuff in the pipeline or the two considerably-less spaghetti products that are played by more than just wannabe stock exchangers and spastic white people
The only fix is TF3. Nothing else will be enough save reverse-engineering the game all the way to launch and undcrambling every single update so people can navigate it.
I refuse to believe this because one guy (sigsiev) is able to effortlessly comb through every problem the game appears to have and explain how to fix it. Valve just hires retards now.
Ideas as simple as "make the guns satisfying" and "make movement feel natural" are fucking dead
Did he like it?
>old boring game updates
>VR fun land
Which would you develop for? They should just dump every karma charger weapon in and all they steam workshop shit too.
A port of TF2 over to Source 2, or an entirely new game?
yeah would you rather work on
>"brain computers," vr, and other new stuff
>an old game that's been on life support since 2014
heavy vs. pyro was stupid and everyone knew it
as someone who played UT2004, TF2 just sucks and is for reddit onions people. its like a shooter for people who don't like violence. i dont "get it"
its kind of like the difference between D2 and WoW. i never played WoW but im sure its a much better game in a lot of ways but ultimately it feels like im just clicking on stuff like im playing a simulation of a video game like there was just a little too much onions in the water supply
>nausea simulators
Pretty much this. No one wants to work on TF2 because it's a finished game. The core playerbase seems to think that "recent" attempts to maintain relevancy have outright ruined it.
>arena shooter where you camp the rocket spawns and bounce around twitch-aiming other gamers in between grabbing health/armor packs
>pseudo-arena shooter where you pick a class that specializes in some role and work with other people to defend (or siege) a designated part of the map
Playing cat and mouse with the spinbots as vax medic is the most fun I've had with this game in years
When TF2 came out I would have fought you for your implication, but nowadays ANYTHING in that area would be nice to have.
Just play fortnite bro.
I don't have any problem with that so I don't care. Vr is fun and you're just too weak.
I'm not saying they arent similar in ways, but direct comparisons between the two are retarded
not every games can't be developped by riot sadly
>not every game is developed by riot
wtf i believe in god again
He wood not recommend it
Based schizoposter
They want people to forget engis teleporting people to a face full of gore/porn because if some one reported that happened to a 12 year old today the internet would freak out.
Why do Autism Fortress 2 fans think their now niche and also old as fuck game to continue being a main developmental focus of Valve?
I don't see call of duty 2 fans screeching like asperges kids every single day about Activision not making any new maps. They all seem to understand their game is old and not many people play it anymore, so what exactly is going on in your head that makes you think you're different and in a way superior?
shit comparison, seeing as cod has had a billion sequels, while tf2 is the most current game in it's series.
tf2 is not niche, retard
>main developmental focus of Valve
People just want an update after three years, especially when the game is packed with literal auto-aiming robots. If the game still makes money and has 60,000 people playing it deserves that.
>Why do Autism Fortress 2 fans think their now niche and also old as fuck game to continue being a main developmental focus of Valve?
because we were promised an update, newfag