Why is atlus so fucking incompetent? Why haven't they ported this to anything already?

Why is atlus so fucking incompetent? Why haven't they ported this to anything already?

Attached: Persona-4-Golden.jpg (768x768, 132.26K)

user, that IS the port

Atlus are legitimately retarded and stuck in their ways.

Whilst other Japanese devs have embraced multiplatform releases (even fucking Sony of all fucking developers). Atlus for some reason is pulling some retarded muh traditional bushido garbage and never releasing their games on other platforms, even if it means more money because they're stupid slinty eyed niggers that don't know good business decisions from bad ones

stay mad switch fags

You have to beg for the ports, remember? :^)

>tfw no Persona 3/4 Remaster that combines the best of P3 FES and P3P, ports P4G and updates it to P5 graphics

Based on Atlus' dev times, we'd be lucky to see it before the PS6 comes out

Seething poorfag

Homebrewed Vita is a fantastic console

I thought some Atlus rep essentially leaked that they were thinking about doing it

Never Ever. Sony always wins, baby.

You know they could easily port it to ps4 right?

Seethe more, should have bought a pstv

>we'd be lucky to see it before 2028

Will we?

The Vita has been discontinued worldwide for like 5 years, retard.

Literally just package PS3FES "HD" together with PS4G as one game and release it on the PS4 and Atlus will be swimming in money. I have no idea why they haven't done this yet.

Only if they add FeMC

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And whose fault is that for not buying one?
I don't complain that I can't find a good Wii-U console for cheap because I didn't buy one at launch so that's my fault.

Pay up poorfag and get a sloppy seconds Vita like the good cuck you are.

Is every firmware and model hackable?

kek lmao OP btfo'd

At the moment yes

Sorry buddy, P4G is for vitachad use only.
You can play as Joker in your smash game on switch though :)

I'll wait another year for Vita emulation to get good, thanks. You Vita cultists are pathetic. It's an archaic piece of hardware.

How does this make you feel?
I have a PS3 for P5 too.

Attached: allswitch.jpg (4032x3024, 723.13K)

Would you pay full price for a P3 or P4 remaster that includes all the extra features from the enhanced versions of the game, updated quality of life upgrades from P5, P5 graphics, and updated UI as expressive as P5 but fitting with the themes of the game?

Attached: 5e9cb22ec72b0.jpg (1256x718, 247.61K)

But SA2 runs like shit on the switch. Why did you get so many btw?

>updated UI as expressive as P5 but fitting with the themes of the game
I would pay for this alone.

Attached: d8hxjorptb2n7bz3aiyi.jpg (800x463, 97.84K)

>thinking Atlus would package the definitive editions of P3 and 4 in a single package
Hmm, honey, if they sold us barebones dancing games stuffed with DLC that still makes them feel like a ripoff, you can be damn sure they would sell P3 and P4 separately.

Who said anything about Switch? I want the thing on fucking PS4, at least.

keep up faggot flycast is full speed on most games

Should have bought a new one when they were discontinuing it, what kind of grown adult can't spare $300? A used JP one is half that too

>Finally feel like playing P4 for the first time
>Cheapest used copy is $188 ($122 USD)
What is happening to PS2 prices these days? Everything got so expensive. It's not even a rare game.

Attached: 1580440578624.jpg (500x480, 45K)

I am always astonished on how there is no porn of this setup. I mean... really?

Dude Atlus needs to spend LESS time on re-releases, not more

We're not getting P6 for a long time. I'd rather have remasters of old games than shitty spinoffs.