Why do western games do this?

why do western games do this?
recent example:

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disney i think

That "recent example" has a red nose because he's an alcoholic

And Daisy isn't?


they both happen to be alcoholics?
it's just a shit trend that western artists love to follow

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The main character of DE is an alcoholic drug addict. Of course his nose is red, dude has been drinking and doing blow.

see they both have it because it's the shit tier tumblr art style


well yeah

It's just insanity to reduce Disco Elysium's fantastic art to "shit tier tumblr style" just because some of the pictures have reddish noses

you're just doing damage control now
first it's because that one guy is alcoholic
but then I show you they're both drawn with red noses and now you're the one calling me insane

Yes, calling really great looking art shit tier because a meme about red noses has infected your brain is insane

>Yes, calling really great looking art shit tier because
no, I'm calling the red nose trend a retarded art trend started by tumblr.

That's also /ic/ nose.
Yellow forehead, red middle, blue jaw is the rule for illustrators. Check it out. There are tutorials and everything

Attached: Abe-Color-Zone.wds.jpg (400x326, 30.57K)

The OP honestly looks fine with it compared to how red noses usually look like when put by tumblr artists.
Even then it became associated with tumblr but you see older art with noses that are redder than the rest of the face.

for what purpose? this doesn't seem to align to real people?

Why is this a thing though? Is it a simplification of light shining on the upper parts of the face?

>but you see older art with noses that are redder than the rest of the face.
yes but tumblr is the group that started putting that shit on everything

those are skin hues, not to actually color the skin that way
but to take skin color and give it a tint of yellow on top that is barely noticeable and the same for the other sections
tumblr straight up makes everyone into rudolph the red nosed reindeer

Because it makes the light of the picture appear more organic. Yellow for light from above, as if from the sun, red for light by flame, as if from a candle, blue as the light recedes under the curve of the face into shadow, as if put to rest. It presents a dignified portraiture.

However, it is also due to the nature of the skin of the caucasian. Cheeks blush faintly, the forehead yellows due to the thinness of the skin there pressed against bone and tallow with less blood vessels, and blue presents itself as five o'clock shadow.

Attached: Ilya_Repin_Portrait_of_the_Surgeon_Nikolay_Pirogov_1881.det.jpg (621x639, 47.97K)

'Artist' here, I imagine this might have to do with how one shifts colours. Purple/blue are darker colours than green/yellow, so shifting the hue instead of only shifting the lightness/brightness of a colour creates a much more interesting blend. As for why it's divided like that across the face, many people put their 'light source' at the top, so the forehead would be lighter and the jaw would be darker.

It does. Forehead has bone right underneath, middle tends to get flushed, jaw has hair follicles. It's more subtle than tumblr portrays it for the most part.

>Because it makes the light of the picture appear more organic
nah dude and the pic you posted is of someone who actually looks that way
certain old age diseases do that to people

These are the same type of retard who will shit on anything with blue/orange contrast no matter how well it's done because they saw that image showing the lazy attempts on movie and game covers. Just suck their dick and move on like the rest of us.

>it's more subtle than tumblr portrays it for the most part.
that's probably the real problem. the method makes sense in context of drawing realistic people with an assumed location of a light source, but in 2d you don't really need all of that

did you read the rest of the post he literally talked about that in the second paragraph

Are you retarded?

>t. umblr

Kill yourself.

I accept your concession.

One of then has a cold!

The Tumblr webcomic artstyle is pretty good looking to be honest. Why so much hate?

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