Why are dragons enemies so often? Vidya should have more friendly dragons.
Why are dragons enemies so often? Vidya should have more friendly dragons
>dragon protagonist
>is small as fuck
When do we get full-scale Kaiju dragon protagonist fuckery?
kaiju dragoness fuckery would be great indeed
They're hot.
literal furry shit
This thread again?
that's a good thing.
Quick rundown on this elusive "G"nasty "G"norc ?
god I wish that were me
Sorry here's something more your style
>tfw dragon has a fat pusy
Dragons are retarded and they piss and shit everywhere
Who else read Eragon as a kid and thought he should have kissed Saphira
I AGREE. In fact they should be a romance option too.
Dragon dating sim when
I know it pretty controversial, but Id marry Grigori.
Why is that some games feature characters who are clearly the result of a human x dragon romance yet YOU can't do the same? That giant chick from dark souls comes to mind for that.
Run factory 4 you can finally marry Ventuswill but JUST KIDDING HAVE HER HUMAN FORM INSTEAD.
Devs are cowards, COWARDS
It's at the bottom of the image idiot
This artist basically only does vore
It was canceled because apparently Microsoft can't work well with a studio that has produced hit games for multiple other companies.
I haven't thought about Eragon in ages and I stopped reading when Eragon spent an entire book being a quivering simp for the elf whore. Did he end up getting to smash the elf pussy?
Because it's easier to make people want to fuck a cute human/humanoid girl and not feel weird about it than it is to make them fuck a non-human girl and not feel weird about it
>Run factory 4 you can finally marry Ventuswill
What? You can?
That last panel has too many bolded words, it's distracting.
In a recent re-release of the game (remaster or definitive edition, one of them, it has added stuff from the last update the japanese version got) yeah you can or so I've heard. You can save her from sacrificing herself or revive her and thus marry her if you want.
no but the elf girl gets her own dragon who instantly grows to adult size, impregnates saphira, then Eragon and Saphira leave the continent forever. Eragon literally leaves alagesia to raise his dragon's cuck children
Oh shit user.
Thank you!
Play I of The Dragon. An RPG/Dragon Simulator where you play as one of three dragons and go beat the shit out of an ancient evil and its monster hordes. Even eat the monsters alive by snatching them out from the ground and tearing chunks of meat out of them while you also build human villages that make sure no monster lairs respawn.
Actually can’t read it it’s blurred as fuck
In homm3, you can befriend dragons through the diplomacy skill to fuck shit up royally.
leave this site
don't spoonfeed the retards
Because dragons are an amalgamation of real life predators who've historically preyed on humans in the past.
Dragons are iconic antagonistic creatures that represent that which men hate and must destroy in order to better oneself. Dragons should always strictly be evil or at least neutral mindless creatures that only exist to destroy or as an apex predator.
Any changes to this tried and true formula just results in cringe. The only people who like that shit are furfags.
The Asian dragons are evil too, they just put on a friendly act sometimes. It's the same way that all pagan gods and goddesses are just fallen angels and most of them are working for Satan. Chinese dragons are even said to have had antlers like stags which is a major and common feature of the Serpent/Baphomet creatures worshipped by Satanists.
In all cultures a flying snake comes and says "look at me - I'm God" and then demands human sacrifice. Be it a dragon, Quetzalcoatl, the Chinese dragons, the serpent of the garden, Python, Set. This is the Enemy of Man.
If I can't a dragon, a dino would be fine too.
A dino is not fine too.
Came in this thread looking for Shyguy, was not disappointed.