ATB combat

Can someone explain to me the appeal of this combat system over something like pure turn-based? What is the point of the waiting between turns?

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The point is to give the illusion of an RPG with some action elements. Only midwits like it.


It brings timing into the equation and can influence your strategy. Only 5 and 7 used it well.

is that the GBA version? it looks hideous. ISHYGDDT

The PSP version is worse: inconsistent internal asset resolution.

Speed influences how many actions they can take instead of turn order.

RPGS combat is an abstraction. What looks like slowly choosing attacks and taking turns attacking is actually a real time brawl, with attacks happening in tandem and chaos all around. RPGs just need a way to slow it down and let you choose what you want to do. So as a kid you would imagine the battles happening in real time. To make the games closer to this, they added ATB so that time actually becomes an element in battle. FFXV and FFVIIR are the first games to really realize the combat they've been trying to accomplish since VI.

It introduces some more elements such as the ability to act more than once in a single "round" and in FFIV you had cast times for skills.

This. The ATB system allows characters to actually have a speed stat that affects how many actions they can take in battle. Think of it like in DnD how your DEX affects your turn order because the fastest character is probably going to move first.

I think ONLY the gba games look good, can't stand the ugly steam, ds or psp shit

You can do this without ATB though. Just look at FFT and FFX.

I don't think that user was implying that any of those versions are better... but the DS versions are the best.

You can, but the intention was to make combat feel more fast paced and closer to real time. The ATB bar helps with that.

To each their own, i only like the gba ff games. Wish 3 was also on the gba

Your dex affects how fast the bar fills up instead of whether or not the game feels like acknowledging your command as soon as when you did it.

FFX system wouldn't allow cast times like FFIV, FFT isn't even close to ATB.

but that's common in pretty much every single turn based system.

you need to think fast, like sonic the hotdog

because Final Fantashit fans are easily impressed despite being Square's actual worst RPG franchise. Even to the shitty one-off titles that surrounded them at the period made "iconic" games like FF6 look like complete dogshit. Nothing has changed in modern day except now Square no longer makes good RPGs alongside Final Fantashit, thanks Playstation. At least Dragonquest still maintains a quality standard

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of course it would, they just didnt implement it.

>of course it would, they just didnt implement it.
How? In FFX you are supposed to have your turn as you are finished inputting the command.

In theory, ATB could make for more fast paced and reactive combat.
In practice, it pretty much never does in the case of FF games, try out Last Ranker to see one of the rare examples of ATB done right.

Problem with ATB is that the combat is incredibly simplified due to entire point of ATB being fast, which is the antithesis to RPG gameplay.

3D FF4 is ugly but is easily the best version of the game.

it makes speed more important. regular turnbased JRPGs only use speed to determine who goes first. ATB means pumping speed also means you do MORE

by simply delaying the actual spell effect? like tactics did it? i dont understand how that's hard

Well, making it visual was a good idea, and makes the combat feel zippier.

I don't get how people think it's ugly. I always wish 6 got that treatment.

but it didn't just make it visual, it effectively added dead timeslots where no one is doing anything because they're waiting for bars to fill. in a traditional turn based system, this downtime doesnt exist. that's the point.

It goes against the point of CTB unless you have a charge and release skill

the problem is the West never got any of their good games. Instead of a Treasure of the Rudras and Dark Half standing next to Final Fantasy to expose how much of a joke the franchise is you get shit like Paladin's Quest and Legend of Dragoon

Well it makes up for that somewhat because you are going to choose your input faster than in turn based where you might sit and think for a minute or two before choosing.

I don't actually love ATB, but I see what they were trying to do.

You mean soulful, right?

FFT uses ATB.

I think it would be fine with higher resolution textures.

5 would benefit the most from the translation to 3D, but it would need a LOT of effort to be put into cutscene direction and animations. More than a few scenes would need the group to interact with the blue windows, for example, since they hide behind them, look up to read them, etc.

I think it looks "ok" but only on the ds if you scale it up and render it in hd it looks like some cheap fan made game

No, I mean the textures blow ass because the DS had issues with 3D. It should get the CMD: Every Buddy treatment.

>The ATB bar helps with that.

Because it means that the turn order isn't rigid and speed barely matters.
At some point having a higher speed stat will let you attack twice before the enemy can attack you once, and rather than being a random chance or haste or some shit it'll just be because your turn rolls around more often.

>If you do something the devs never intended it loks like ass

...This is such an encapsulation of Yas Forums.

This looks ugly af. Pixels are souls, like i said the ds version is ok anything other than gba is trash

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The devs did the HD port.

Speed now matters more as it’s possible to take multiple turns in a row now. This affects how you design the balance allowing for tankier opponents. You can now implement timer based mechanics, such as cool downs on powerful moves, or a form of regeneration, like MP over time, and it can happen over real time, making it way more balanced. List goes on, but it keeps the battles more dynamic, allows for a bunch of things that were previously impossible to add in a balanced manner, etc... essentially, time is now a tool you can use to create mechanics. It’s also slow enough to give you time to plan and strategize your next move.

It’s like asking “what’s the point of having a turn timer in chess?”

Idiotic post

are you some kinda....time traveler where you came from a time BEFORE ATB was invented as a way to make combat seem MOVING and REAL?

Because you can see a representation of your character's speed on screen, and all the ATB bars are filling independently and you can attack with any character as soon as the bar fills up. It feels a lot more like real time than just taking actions and going down the turn order.

Some RPGs, I think even FF1 and 2, just make it so you take multiple turns in a row. That guy is completely right, ATB is just to give an illusion of action, of urgency.

>Speed now matters more as it’s possible to take multiple turns in a row now. This affects how you design the balance allowing for tankier opponents. You can now implement timer based mechanics, such as cool downs on powerful moves, or a form of regeneration, like MP over time
All of this can be done easily and better without ATB.

nice try

but that was Square's fucking golden age, asshole

there is a reason why JAPAN still says FF6 is a good game, along with other shit. its not just THE REST OF THE WORLD, NOT MUH JAPAN that says fucking FF6 is amazing

fuck you asshole.

That's really dumb.