Will there ever be another good stealth game or are us stealthchads stuck playing dishonored tier garbage for the rest of existence?
Stealthchads only
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You know the answer.
Just accept the fact that the „stealth is optional” in this mission.
I'm enjoying Shadow Tactics
Play Hitman 2.
I'm waiting for the next cycle to take place too, user. Just wait.
technically this is true for all games that don't tie the failstate to detection
>Will there ever be another good stealth game
maybe. gaming culture could change, idk.
rank the SC games.
>small power gap
>Splinter Cell
>Double Agent(Xbox)
>power gap
>Double Agent(Xbox 360)
>power gap
>pile of shit
What other games allow me to stalk women in their sleep?
What is the best Sam Fisher's suite?
From what game? What mission?
Personally I love the original suit from the first game the most.
>MGS dead and shit
>Hitman beyond shit
>Thief dead
>Splinter Cell dead
>No indies doing it
Maybe we get a decent one every 10 years or so.
>Will there ever be another good stealth game
No. People aren't patient enough for stealth anymore.
>Hitman beyond shit
After Blood Money obviously, not even debatable.
I'll always have a soft spot for the Pandora Tomorrow soundtrack. The retro wind and string arrangements are so good, Lalo Schifrin is a god
Yeah, why aren't there more indie devs trying to make games with stealth as a central focus?
Sure bud
That and also the fact that stealth has been played out. As it stands now, stealth games don't changes things up too much. Give me something like MGSV but done right with Hitman/Death to Spies mechanics of undercover usage. Give me something like Thief but with powers that isn't Dishonored but a pure stealth game.
Stealth has the battle of balance too. Guards who cool down out of alert or caution and act as nothing has changed, guards with 10 meter vision cones. Too much one way and its dumb but too much the other and its unforgiving.
Did you only play Absolution?
About to start my first playthrough of the Splinter Cell games, bar Pandora Tomorrow and Xbox/PS2 Double Agent. I got all of them waaayy back in a humble bundle I think.
What's the general consensus on the first game/CT/Double Agent/Conviction/Blacklist?
Chaos theory is one of the best stealth games ever made.
Why not Pandora Tomorrow? Grab a copy and play it.
Chaos Theory is still the gold standard for stealth games.
why is their no easy way to play Pandora Tomorrow on pc?
Chaos Theory. Also some of the best writing in vidya.
>Grimsdottir: Maria Narcissa...
>Fisher: You're not trying to set me up on another blind date, I hope.
>Grimsdottir: The Maria Narcissa is a boat.
>Fisher: So was the last girl you set me up with.
>Grimsdottir: Fisher!
>Fisher: Sorry...
first is janky, its a shame Pandora Tomorrow isnt an option as its the first but just better
CT is a legit 10/10 for stealth
DA is a bit underrated as it has long "undercover" sections that dont half drag on, but the missions themselves are still borderline CT tier
after that Splinter Cell becomes a babby tier action game. they're fun in their own way, but only in the sense that they're so fucking stupid
Stealthchas give me opinions on Styxx games. Worth it?
>Fisher: How many guards on duty tonight?
>Guard: You mean including me?
>Fisher: Unless you're suggesting I remove you from the equation.
The first one is a little wonky, but still good. PT is also good, CT is a masterpiece. I highly recommend playing the 6th gen version of Double Agent, it was made by the Chaos Theory team and is basically a continuation with the same mechanics
How about a Tenchu?