Imagine siding against the future of Skyrim

Imagine siding against the future of Skyrim

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Imagine siding with an oathbreaker piece of shit who used a shout to murder the king at a banquet because he wants to fight a losing battle against the thalmer

>no you cant just abide by tradition someone might get hurt

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He allied himself with the Thalmor and the Aldmeri dominion. He was a weak puppet.

99% of skyrim's population are bandits. that shithole needs the empire's leash to do anything

Ulfric and Tulius were both dipshits.
Why wasn't there an option to just kill off the both of them?

I agree with Skyrim independence but I don't like Ulfric.
The empire is decadent and weak.
>losing battle against the thalmor
Hammerfell pushed the elves shit in by themselves. The empire has proven that it is weak and pointless at the time that Skyrim takes place.

>apolitical centrist
>is actually a violent brainlet

>finally get around to doing a stormcloak play through
>storm solitude, take the citadel, kill tullius
>ulfric then gives a lame speech to the troops
>then awkwardly starts walking away
>solitude burns in the background
It felt exactly like pic related. Couldn't help but burst out laughing.

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He was propped up by the Thalmor so that he would start a civil war and weaken the Empire. He was a Thalmor puppet. Only a united empire could resist the Aldmeri Dominion.

Please remember to aid Ulfric in any way possible go- uhhhhh my fellow Nords.

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>Hammerfell pushed the elves shit in by themselves
Sure, if you discount all the imperial legions 'vacationing' there

I'm all for the independence of Skyrim but Ulfric is the wrong fucking choice as a King. He's weak-minded, can't see that Skyrim needs to be on good terms with the Empire to resist the Thalmor, and will ultimately lead to its downfall. Unless Skyrim can manage its independence with a strong leader who can convince the Empire of the moral good of standing against the Thalmor and not tossing away their own religious beliefs and customs, they'll fall to the knife-eared freaks in a matter of decades at the most.

>literal former Thalmor asset who cooperated with the Thalmor after getting manipulated into believing he was the cause for the fall of the Imperial City, only stopped cooperating when realizing he'd been used as their cumsleeve after the Markath Incident
>supporting Jarls, the people he trusts to govern the province if he wins, are almost all insane or corrupt and objectively worse than their imperial counterparts
even if you can somehow get over the former, the latter is a deal breaker for me. You'd think Bethesda would've made at least some of the Stormcloak Jarls not retarded to spark sympathy for them. Instead they're forced to shoehorn the opening story so newfags tend to side with the Stormcloaks in their first game.

The empire is dead user, it just hasnt caught up yet

Whatever it takes to destroy the empire.

>all these fags siding with a dead empire
Lorelets all of you
Skyrims best chance is to cut ties with the empire and make alliances east and west

imagine siding with honorless shitskin nords and their MUH SKYRIM regime

Ah yes, alliance with morrowind, a literal disease-ridden wasteland separated in houses. Truly the most clever move. Surely the Dark Elves from a magical-centric society will work well with the Nords who are constantly edging to stab a mage like a rabid chihuahua. And not with the empire that tried to fight the Thalmor in the first place and failed. The empire that makes all of skyrim's South border. The one Ulfrid supported and betrayed (to assist the Thalmor)
if TES VI comes out in a playable state I fully expect to murder disgusting knife ears by the dozens

Not him, but alliance with dunmer would make some sense. Or at least friendly relations and trade.

Coincidentally you can have those as part of the empire
(not that nords are particularly interested in either, at least based on skyrim, but still)

Skyrim should be run by the archmage of the college of winter hold.

Only Morrowind-fags side with the Empire

>player choice
Means it's not gonna matter in the next game anyway.

(This meme was made by the Stormcloack Gang)

this was basically nationalism vs. globalism

Are high elves jewish?

He didn't Ally himself with them, but he is a strategic asset to the thalmor. If (you) defeat the empire, then the Thalmor steamroll over Skyrim and have a better position to invade the empire

If so, it was very (*very*) stupid nationalism vs somewhat decadent and corrupt globalism. Decadency and corruption sucks, but obtuse stupidity sucks even worse.
I still can't find much of a reason to support stormcloaks without going deep into lore (such as talos=tower etc).

It's more ethnonationalism vs imperial-nationalism. Thalmor are globalists

If the nords when than Talos can smite the thalmor. Only a dumbass would support the Empire.

I wish people would stop trying to find jews, niggers and whatnot in every single game in existence.
There are no jews in TES. There are no niggers either. I'm not sure how it is not obvious with even brief knowledge of tesverse.

Doesn't Skyrim belong to the Nords?

This is why that plot was so effective. I've always joined the Stormcloaks just because the independence and religious persecution issues always override my other feelings about it, but I can see the Empire's point of view and I want to do a playthrough as an imperial knight or some shit. Bethesda did a good job at it.

>If the nords when than Talos can smite the thalmor

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Siding with the rebels indicates a severe lack of lore knowledge.

The Empire is literally NCR lmao

>he doesnt know

Call 911 you're having a stroke. The empire is the empire of Talos, any true nord will fight for the empire win the trust of the northern legions, march to the imperial capital depose Mede II and claim the amulet of kings as his own, and ascend the imperial throne creating a new dynasty by ending the septim dynasty.

You're such an entry level retard.
You braindead, slackdrawed, drooldripping fucking buffoon.
You unbelievably dull moron.
You name-forgetting, math-failing, poor-at-spelling shit-for-brains.

imagine getting that far into the civil war storyline

My dunmer dragonborn should have done that.

It boggles my mind that people can supoort a dying empire that cucks you for a foreign power instead of being a sovereign state with a populist leader
But people are stupid

But it's the lorefags that suggest that Talos worship is important.

>march to the imperial capital depose Mede II and claim the amulet of kings as his own, and ascend the imperial throne creating a new dynasty by ending the septim dynasty.
it's kind of funny that dragonborn could probably just stroll into the imperial city and seize the ruby throne and nobody would do shit due to the 'anointed by akatosh', the accords and so on (ofc there would be political grumblings but the vast majority of people would be fine with it)

I ignore it, desu. Now, if they would let my dragonborn to become Emperor by siding with either side...