LMAO all the english soyboys literally shitting and crying of rage

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Is this from Watchdogs 2?

>Yes im engrish, how coud you tell?
yes i hate the new assassin creed aswell, how coud you tell?

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new Assassin

English are literally just vikings who retired early.

He's right you know.

anglos gave rights to women
now in 2020 everyone hates them
good job

Who said England are the bad guys? Not because they are your enemies they are the bad guys, you can be the bad guy yourself. Have this people never played any game with a bad protagonist?

England are the bad guys thought. The only good guys are the celts who originated in Britain. S*xons are fucking invaders. CYMRU YN BYTH

> pakiboy defending the honor of Ingerlund

oh you don't know how much i'm laffin

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go back to twitter and stay there faggot

if your skin is on the white side you are the bad guy
simple as

I thought english are just frisian, celtic, french and norse mutts

The ang*o deserve everything bad that happens to them for selling the world to the Jews.

Put all Danish fucks to the sword

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sharing superior nordic genes was doing them a favour really

After seeing what Ubisoft did with the french revolution what would anyone expect?

Sounds like far right politics to me

he died as he lived, BTFOing D*nish subhumans

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Kinda reminds me of sword of the stranger. Worth a watch?


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Absolutely, Vinland Saga is pure kino

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>Mutt tries to protect muh pure celtic homeland
>Wales and other celtic communities still get permacucked by ANGLO BVLLS

God, Askeladd was such a chad. I hope we can play as him in Valhalla.

>Trannyland Saga

Fuck off you specky Welsh bastard or we will execute Rob Brydon

They actually were the 'bad guys' in those cases though. That didn't change until like ... 1970.

It's thinly veiled shounenshit with the pretense of being """mature""", if you like SnK this should be right up your alley.

Most important viking ever: Alfred the Great.

The first arc is good. I'd stop after that though.

people forget its possible to be playing the bad guys in a story since there are idiots out there who are worried if you play as Nazis in an FPS game, you'll become one.

>cuck everyone by displacing God
>create bullshit rules that allow lords to rape anyone
>use bullshit religious rules to kill anyone you want
>make massive amounts of money oppressing the lowest caste


>>create bullshit rules that allow lords to rape anyone
never existed, don't watch Braveheart
>use bullshit religious rules to kill anyone you want
sounds like literally every culture on the planet
>make massive amounts of money oppressing the lowest caste
what caste, this isn't India dipshit

i've never seen braveheart, it's actually written in the "chivalry codex"

>sounds like every culture on the planet
yep, so fuck 'em

it's also a sociological term that is synonymous with social class

Good, anglos are literally the jews of the white race, they deserve to get fucked