The fact that assassins shit is this popular on nu-Yas Forums tells everything you need to know about this place...

The fact that assassins shit is this popular on nu-Yas Forums tells everything you need to know about this place, it's dead.

God, I want 2008 back.

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Its just ubishills doing their usual business
They do this every time and they mysteriously fade away from Yas Forums's catalog entirely 2 weeks after the game's release

>this popular
it's just shills, OP

It's been dead for a million years.
I'm not the oldest of oldfags but I don't remember a time when Yas Forums was even good.

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I wouldn't say Yas Forums was ever good but it had its moments. Now it's just pure shit 24/7

>not playing Jade’s game

Its the same unironic marketers that have been here for a decade

>The fact that assassins shit is this popular on nu-Yas Forums tells everything you need to know about this place, it's dead.
It's being posted by Ubisoft contractors you newfag cunt. They've been doing this for years.

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We have unironic Call of Duty nostalgia threads, this place is fucked.

shills will leave until its release date

you can always tell they are around when they post that female protag from the last one.

The fact that those threads aren't getting flamed into oblivion is the real proof this place has died.

there used to be more off topic threads
everyone knows the best discussions on Yas Forums are never about vidya, they're thinly veiled music or animal threads. these days it's just constant wojak


fuck off

not even call of duty 1, people are young enough to miss the "good old days" of fucking mw2


You are like a jew who shows up at a Nazi rally, you are not welcome here

Woa... you took Assassins Creed and replaced Creed with Shit... so its saying the game is shit. I see what you did there... clever.

Unironically it is

I just want this lockdown to end. its obvious you guys have nothing better to do than whine over things that don't even matter

yes how dare people discuss games and not farming turnips in AC shit

Get with the times grandpa, gay animu shit is out, chad AAA is in. If you're shoot 30+ on this board you should just kill yourself anyway.

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Every fucking day with this board I have to create another filter because you guys just spam the same shit over and over. Wojack culture ruined this place

>no new games coming out
>suddently a trailer for the new AC drops
they're not even talking about the game btw, it's just anglo vs vikangz

Still better than liking toddlershit like pic related or Animal Crossing

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don't even fucking pretend faggot, shitting on boring AAA games is a Yas Forums staple. the actual discussion may be shit but that never changes

The ninjala threads were unironically closer to what old Yas Forums was than anything I've seen posted in a while

See you in a few years after you never draw a dime and you're a 30+ undercarder like the rest of us.

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You aren't in the position to cry about Asscreed when you play games for 8 year olds.

Yes, that's unironically what it should be.

I don't give a shit about assassins creed. I just wish you fags would stop spamming the board. I'm not OP

seethe more about growing old, boomers. you had your day, we will have ours, and then the next generation will come to shit on our corpses too. welcome to the cycle of life.

Shut up and go dilate weeb