Well, Yas Forums?

Well, Yas Forums?

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Video Games of course
Friends are temporary
Vidya is eternal

those picklebrows, naturally

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Friend who play vidya.
Wish I had any.

Go back to 8ch.

Attached: right here buddy.jpg (399x600, 74.91K)

>tfw I lost sight of all my school friends when we all grew up, moved out to other parts of the country, or when they got married and had kids
We still talk here and there, and in the current era where online play is now a thing (something we could only dream of back then, or was too expensive for us), we don't even play online. Where did it all go wrong.

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>only 22 years old
>already has 3 kids
god damn

Attached: mina.jpg (1280x720, 114.25K)

games can't betray you, the choice is obvious

some lucky bastard out there has impeccable taste

Based eyebrows

I see a lot of people here were betrayed by their friends.

Video games

She has 3 kids?

Mina is perfection.

Attached: mina grown up.png (960x1361, 820.11K)

All horses.

Attached: pepe smart.jpg (250x201, 11.72K)

cumming on those eyebrows>vidya>friends

Why do people vacillate between morality and psychology when debating?

Either you argue what is morally sound, or you argue what is psychologically sound. Bouncing off of each arena doesn't get you more points!

the friends you make inside video games


my god she's still flat too
lucky bastard

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>only 22 years old
>already has 3 kids
Is there some kind of procreate propaganda the artist trying to push?

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I mean the npcs

all three of the trio are perfect


Attached: the three nintendos.jpg (1446x2048, 235.53K)

Whoa, that's like my mom


cumming on thick loli eyebrows...

Attached: Ultra Instinct.jpg (1587x660, 187.08K)

I want to fire a paper hornet at those foreheads.

I wish reality wasn't fucked after 2016

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Friends, but I don't have any close ones because I'm a tranny. It's kinda hard being friends with gamer dudes cause they tend not to have the most mature perspective on things.


you can't fuck your vidya