>They are brutal and heartless
>Shows the vikings letting a woman and her child run away
What kind of world is Ubisoft living? They raped and pillaged half of england
They are brutal and heartless
I cant fucking wait for reddit getting full of feminists vikings, go faster ubisoft
Same shit they did with Black Fag. They are selling you the most mainstream friendly fantasy of the setting accuracy be damned.
Probably because the main character is supposed to be an assassin. They're not in the business of raping people
I bet they make the anglos rapey instead.
And that's a good thing.
>They are brutal and heartless
They actually aren't. But don't let facts stand in the way of the "facts" you learned from watching Hollywood films.
Heroic vikings are a modern TV invention though.
good guy main protag! kills your family and burns down your town but he let's you run away into the wilderness, such a hero
I can't tell whether or not you are just trying to bait a couple bumps for your thread that is lost in a sea of AC threads flooding the board.
The vikings OWNED half of inger land
One instance of not killing and raping a woman and a child does not make someone heroic.
Not getting upset and screeching about SJWs somehow means I'm upset and trying to bait?
that's the lad from the kebab shop down the street innit?
You're the one who should learn dumbass, vikings were not the so cool guys you see on mutt tv
I would let the mother and son go but take the daughter
Viking were literally the dregs of Scandinavian society. They went raiding because they were too poor to do anything else
>Find coastal village or town.
>Attack it.
>Kill the sons, fathers, and husbands who tried to defend their homes and families.
>Run into the wife and children of son, father, or husband you just killed.
>Let them run away because raping or murdering women and children is wrong.
>Plunder village or town for anything of value and burn the rest down.
>Leave believe you did a job well done.
>Meanwhile, freshly widowed wives and their children are left without food, shelter, security, or any valuables for which to trade for any one of these three essentials.
It would have been a fucking mercy to kill that family right there and then, or at the very least, enslave them. At least that way they're not damn-near guaranteed to freeze or starve to death amidst the bodies of their butchered husbands and fathers.
What kind of pea-brained shit is this?
The hero is the representative for his people. You know that, right? The scene says "NOT ON MY WATCH! WE'RE GOOD PEOPLE! :) " and the interview with Eurogamer reinforces that view Ubisoft has had since AC1. Go play Black Flag, you get the same shit. Pirates that don't rape or mutilate, captains that don't let the crew do "bad" stuff to keep morale high or reward them for a good haul.
Raiding is just a more extreme form of exploring.
You can't expect anything history-accurate with Ubisoft anymore, they openly admitted changing lore to fit more ''modern values''
>They raped and pillaged half of england
viking guy bad
it's fine as long as they're against christianity
>They went raiding because they were too poor to do anything else
more like too fucking stupid to do farming and stuff
Wow all of sudden every Yas Forumsirgin is a scholar of medieval history
hey remember that time in history where ireland was slowly developing and technologically advancing until the vikings came and raided everything to shit?
of course not vikings are epic manly warriors who doesn't afraid of anything
Everybody did it. Every nation, big or small, that ever went to war with anybody did whatever they wanted to the conquered. THAT IS NORMAL. Morals don't even enter the picture.
>lol I know I murdered your dad in cold blood but I like to pretend I have honour so I'm gonna let you go
They could farm and herd just fine, the raiders were just the niggers of their society who would rather rob and kill others than work.
Um, have YOU ever listened to an entire playlist of Shadiversity videos while fapping to lolis?
I didn't think so, faggot.
Because they didn't keep records. England did so it's biased.
Not hard to understand
Maybe those fucking nerds should have developed some muscle mass instead.
If you were born in the UK from age 4 to 14, you're actually taught the fundamentals of British history.
AC doesn't pretend to be historic anymore. Just fantasy with giant monsters, treat it that way
press F to rape
Your precious Vikings are the equivalent of Isis, going around slaughtering and pillaging towns, taking their women and children as slaves
>Wow all of sudden every Yas Forumsirgin is a scholar of medieval history
good thing you are not a Yas Forumsirgin
Everyone did it, but it's a well known fact that viking were pillaging and taking women back home to be their slave. It was one of the reason they were crossing the sea, to get wealth and slaves
There was a time where ubisoft was actually history friendly and you could actually learn things through their games
Now they do historical revisionism
Man fuck Vikings. Only fags like them. I'm glad the Irish rekt them in the Battle of Clontarf
I'm glad your race is voluntarily driving itself to extinction, Sven.
Just punishment.
Most of the Viking warriors had families. They rarely harmed the innocence.
It's historically accurate. What you know as the "reee rape reeee" is just misinformation written by Chritsian historians
ok Sven
Why are gamers so obsessed with rape?
>Strapped viking shields
>christians bad
>Pagan invaders, rapists and killers good
Fits right in into the refugee welcome agenda
Despite their whiteness leftists and by extension Reddit adores WEKANGZ the ONLy thing they have in comming with literal Nazis
Because history is chock full of it and creators keep constantly shying away from it. Same with nudity in the late 90s.