Let’s ignore how colourful the Vikings actually were and let’s give it yet another generic GoT-tier dark and gray...

>let’s ignore how colourful the Vikings actually were and let’s give it yet another generic GoT-tier dark and gray millennial EPIC Viking aesthetic
>totally historically accurate guys
When did humanity lose its aesthetic taste? When will we get a game that actually represents the early middle-ages? I am so sick of this GoT rip-off shit.

Attached: 29412B3F-8BD2-42B1-A4D4-204EB9984B51.jpg (341x450, 47.51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>When did humanity lose its aesthetic taste
There were shades of it in the late 90s, the process was complete by the late 00s. I often wonder how the fuck it happened. I suspect that it's because a lot of graphic designers are now failchildren with no talent and no historical frame of reference (for design, not for Vikings).

I love proper Viking aesthetics so much.

Attached: based ladybird.jpg (1920x2560, 719.51K)

>let`s ignore history and put women warriors and leaders everywhere

It’s really sad, the early middle-ages were fucking kino and it always gets butchered in media depictions

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Vikangs are fucking cringe

this is the worst

Yas Forumstards trying to be like them is cringe

Attached: scandinavians.png (395x419, 387.62K)

wtf do vikings have to do with Yas Forums?? you fucking redditors need to go back from where you came from

The only two things that get treated with reasonable respect are:
-Lorica Segmentata wearing Imperial Roman Legionaries (republican and late-empire troops get rolled in with this) or
- Knights in plate armour

Everything else gets shafted. The entire middle ages gets especially shafted, since for some unfathomable reason Hollywood directors have got it into their fat heads that medieval times were DARK and GRITTY and COVERED IN LITERAL SHIT. It looks stupid.

I know you haven't expressed any interest in the place or period, user, but have you played Kingdom Come: Deliverance? The only decent depiction of the middle ages I've seen in 21st century media (though still based on the fifteenth century, sadly)

Attached: sasau.jpg (1024x384, 93.9K)

Wow I can't believe Assassin's Creed is taking heavy liberties with history, this is unprecedented

Yeah man, my 9 years on Yas Forums have led to me quite routinely leaving my Scandinavian longhouse, wife and three children to raid the Microsoft campus in Seattle. I took much booty in gold and silver, as well as a pre-release version of the next Windows OS to ransom.

was there any mission inside this place? i never had to go inside (i still did tho and i robbed them blind)

"Taking liberties with history" is making out that the Hashashin actually did shit and that Saladin and Richard both spoke modern English. The shit in the new games is just pathetic.


Yes, there was a long quest chain towards the end of the main quest. I thought it was the highlight of the game, but most of Yas Forums seemed to hate it (tbf it was buggy).

Vikings are such a boring theme. Should’ve done Mayan.

So what?
Why feel offended over games you are not going to play?
God, I really hope we go back to conventional warfare because this "culture war" is fucking pathetic and lame.
Just pussies fighting over movies and games.

dark and gritty has been in for like a decade at least now

Vikings have nothing to do worth Yas Forums, but Yas Forums desperately want them to have something to do with it

pure cringe. if you said Yas Forums tries to be the roman empire it would at least make sense

they even have an amerimutt larping as a viking

Attached: damn.jpg (1726x967, 246.86K)

>bunch of people used to dress in red because that was the easiest color to obtain
>dude they were so colourful!

Inject some disinfectant into your blood stream.

Attached: 1507660437498.png (424x312, 203.29K)

Fuck that, where is my fucking assassin hood?! FFFFFFFFFF

>played Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Yeah, my interest lies in the Middle Ages as a whole. It was really a dream game come true.

Because the middle ages are shit.
History is only interesting between 1938 and 1991.

Dude it's so good.
What mods would you recommend tho?

>History is only interesting between 1938 and 1991.

Attached: 1576187851792.gif (330x166, 2.11M)

>historically accurate
>AC games

wew, you must have been living under a stone the past decade.

sorry, I am poor so I have no option but to play on console

remember when they removed crossbows because they were not historical accurate?

Nietzsche was right, the downfall of aesthetics all started with Wagner. Now it is all about spectacle and excitement. Our Wagnerian operas are capeshit and action games. No subtlety, except in indie games and indie movies.

That’s because the study of this time-period appeals to your line of thinking and your preferred way of studying history, it’s a different circumstance because the level of documentation and the recent events allow for a specific style of focus and study that appeals to you

This is a rare instance where the phrase 'rent free' applies correctly.

As other anons have pointed out if they had designed the vikings after actual viking-era scandis it would at least have looked better, but it seems the devs got their all inspiration from binging that shitty "Vikings" show. Now its just furs, bones and gay braided haircuts.

I'm so sorry user...

No, it's because human history was the exact same endless, repetitive warfare up until then.