This is your AAA game protagonist in 2020. Say something nice about him

This is your AAA game protagonist in 2020. Say something nice about him.

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He’s white. That is surprising

He probably can take it up the ass like a man.

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I like him already am I racist?

why is he so damn PISSED?

> nordcucks
better bald than blond

beard = faggot

At least he has hair instead of a painted bald.

>thinks vikings gave a damn about personal grooming besides keeping their hair out of their eyes

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because britbongs are in his fucking island

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yet he cared about shaving the sides of his head

He's mad about the eternal anglo

>blue eyes
How was any of this allowed?

t. shitskin mutt

he didn't have to be white.

Lmao I wanted so bad to go into twitter and tumblr to watch all the people seethe over white male protagonist but ugh didn't want so much negativity so i'll just go jack it to gay viking porn.

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I don't understand. It's just a viking.
Why /vpol/ is so upset about him?

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>Aeriswhale is a tranny
surprise... surprise

They are not. We're all loving it. But it's ubisoft and a new assassin creed game so due to personal beliefs everyone must hate it. Plus, they are gamers, they can't ever be hapy.

Because this board is infested with onions and shitskins who think that they are in a good company.

Just you watch, Ubisoft is going to make him gay or something like that.

You can't just have a straight white male protagonist in 2020 anymore if you're a western company.

You ever had long hair? That shit swings around in your face, especially if you were in the middle of fighting some guy you brainlet

Aerithfags everyone!

Twitter trannie salt thread, now!

again, keeping hair out of the eyes

It's just seething Anglos

We need to outrage regardless of whatever thing it is

looks like white male protags are back on the menu, boys.

So rather than going with historical accuracy, they opted to go with the Netflix™ version of zoomer hair, Mountain Dew vikings?

Good job, Ubisoft. Always on the ball.

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go back to twitter and stay there or kys. both are viable options

Vikings groomed like some mother fuckers. Or at least Northeners like Swedes and Danes did

I hope the customisation options are deep because he looks shit

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The Age of Woke is over. Cyberpunk and TLOU2 are gonna burn, and a new dawn will awaken.

Why are these "vikings" so Ironic and tendies?

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Why does this seem like a game based on the TV show Vikings (2013)?

Why do they even bother with the AC logo anymore? I'm pretty sure the connection is more a handicap than a hook by this point.

>manly protagonist
>in current year
damn I think the covid actually killed enough of ((them)) that we can have nice things again

cope blondie boy, you look like feminine bitch.

England are the good guys

would've been more accurate if he was balding, had a few sparse hairs for a beard, lizard eyes and no chin