Average males value deep father-daughter relationships way more than you can fucking imagine...

average males value deep father-daughter relationships way more than you can fucking imagine, this will make many people furious, and it will affect the sales, it will bury the brand, they will shit out a Joel Ellie DLC to salvage what is left of TLoU.

It is un-fucking-believable they did this to Joel

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fully expected him to die. I thought he'd go out in a blaze of glory sacrificing himself to save Ellie. Instead he got his brains bashed in like a punk.

go suck cuckmann's dick

>Joel DLC
How will that work? we get to play as him in Hell?

t. Cuckhusband

Yes, The Last of US: Joel out of Hell

Not his real daughter he let his get killed. Stole Ellie the girl with immunity that could save everyone and killed an innocent doctor just to play daddy again. Joel isn't a hero and if you think he's a good father figure then lmao you have issues

>Instead he got his brains bashed in like a punk.

good reminds me of omar death in the wire

Reminder that Joel is a monster that doomed humanity and got what was coming to him.

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What are you trying to say?

Well, you're something. Namefag, and bait, and everything. Let someone else respond to your ass.

think about it logically

>"let" his daughter die
>innocent scientist
Imagine being this retarded. I'm sure all the kids the fireflies butchered before ellie totally justifies their scientific 'research' there's no context at all in the original that shows they were awful people doing awful things based retard user

>Scooping out a living girl's brain who didn't agree to be murdered for science


*hits pipe*

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

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That would be the gayest fucking shit ever. Trite and meaningless. Go watch a Marvel movie.

This is what they don’t want you to hear

Joel was never intended to be a good person or an example of a healthy father-daughter relationship. If your issue with the writing is that he dies then you're confusing upsetting material with bad writing. The problem seems to come from Druckman fucking up with the Fireflies too much in the first game. He wanted a morally ambiguous situation, slightly favoring the Fireflies disorganized but ultimately altruistic pursuits over Joel's more limited perspective. Instead the Fireflies came off as incompetent retards who needed to be slaughtered because they couldn't even bother to run a few more tests before potentially squandering the last glimmer of hope they had. Joel being killed off early instead of the entire game centering on Abby's pursuit of Joel and making him the final boss instead is Druckman channeling his butthurt that he made siding with Joel too logical rather than purely emotional.

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Ignore tripfags

TLOU isnt a good game

He killed a delusional doctor that thought he could create a cure despite already failing who knows how many times. A doctor that was going to sacrifice an innocent girl to save a corrupted world. Why would Joel go along with that? What good is a cure to Joel if the one person left that he cares about isn't there anymore?

>saved his adoptive daughter from child murdering scum who have failed to find a cure after game ending up too 20 other immune people
>get brutally, humiliatingly and uncharacteristically killed by the most diverse death squad in the world

The ending of Last of Us was supposed to imply that although Joel did what he did for the wrong reasons, the Fireflies weren't magically doing the right thing just because they were trying to resolve the zombie crisis. The player at least knows these people can barely grab their ass with both hands and handing them a young girl so they can dissect her for a one in a billion chance at fixing the virus is horrible moral calculus any which way you slice it. Druckmann has stated in interviews he always felt Joel was the bad guy, which shows the dude doesn't have an appreciation for the moral grey area the ending fell in. Joel should be punished for dooming humanity! even though he didn't really doom humanity any more than anyone else, and clearly just didn't want the girl he'd spent months befriending to get killed for no reason by a group of nutburgers playacting as scientists. If Druckmann understands the moral quandary of the original ending AND makes a game where a seething villain played by the audience viciously kills Joel and almost kills Ellie then he's just making another in a long line of "cycle of violence, the world is indifferent to you and your suffering, everything you do amounts to nothing, get fucked!" post-apocolyptic stories which is something I'm not personally interested in.

>they killed off the character voiced by Troy Baker
What, no way? How odd.

>tricking people into disobeying their genetic imperative to procreate, undermining their most important function
Damn hobbits and their retard propaganda. The ultimate cuckoldry is being deprived of your own children, this is the problem with the cuckoo and the root problem in the definition.
Burrow back underground with the rest of your untermench kind or be culled for your nasty hairy feet.

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people die, they sacrifice themselves sure but Abby is a literal no one, druckman is trying to insert his muh revenge perspective by killing both of the previous game's protagonists in a gruesome way and a retconned daughter is the one doing it and surprise mutherfuckers you play as her half the game and kill ellie yourself !! :)

Im amazed people are pretending to be fans now and shifting the narrative.

This board has been OBSESSED with this game ti the point people like OP, in his excessive samefagging, is telling people to cancel preorders lmfao.

>corrupted world
>fuck saving humanity bro its degenerate
Yeah how do you think medical science advanced by trial and error. The doctors couldn't be pussies and play the "what if" game. Joel got what was coming to him and so is Ellie putting their own selfishness before saving others

Has this been the most openly spoiled game on this board? I guess board rules dont mean shit. I remember being banned for talking about the dumb Xenoblade X plot a month after release and getting banned.

Except Joel was a shit human being who had everything coming to him. What, he's nice to a small girl so his banditry and murder is fine? Like the people he killed also didn't have family?

weird rp but ok

Ellie lives. There's nothing wrong with the entire scope of the world not being shown to two people in the first game. Abby should have been the main character all the way through if Druckman wanted this kind of plot, instead he chose a half measure and chose not to commit to such an indifferent universe.

This is a Naughty Dog employee. He's used this same "Marvel movie" line in every thread.

>average males value deep father-daughter relationships way more than you can fucking imagine
I mean, this is literally the reason why billions are spent on anime.

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This. Stupid little whore Ellie had it coming too.

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Remember what they did to Chief?

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why are you faggots talking to the tripfag?