What dose Yas Forums think of this """alright"" game
Final Fantasy XIII
i haven't played it but i want to someday
jumped in blind its ok
Not good, but still better than XV
There's worse.
best combat system in a ff, best music, best girls. no debate. simple as.
this made people mad
It's decent but shallow. I thought its sequel was a lot better.
One of the worst cast of characters in any video game.
If this would have been released under a different name and company, everyone would bootlick it as "BIG HIDDEN GEMME, BETTER THAN [add the newest Final Fantasy here]"
Lost Oddysey?
It's a pleb filter just like every other FF released after FFVII
They are terrible
I have a bootleg cover cause I bought it from Mexicans
The auto battle ruined it though. Just removing that option would have made it pretty good.
Got 10 hours in and dropped it.
Literally the only tolerable character was Sazh (the black guy) I think he was supposed to be the comic relief but came across the only sane man in the game.
can you not disable it?
it's not like that. it's an option (like attack, magic, item etc) that allows you to select attacks automatically rather than manually
You don't have to use it.
many good aspects, many more bad ones
xiii-2 perfected the combat but made the story even dumber
so it's like pressing auto battle in other rpgs?
your "alright" game is shit you diarrhea slurping ass licker
>I think he was supposed to be the comic relief but came across the only sane man in the game.
Probably because he was the only character in the game that wasn't a retarded anime stereotype
>Angsty shota
>Tsundere lead
>Hot headed dumbarse big guy with dainty gf/fiance
>ditzy lesbian
>hardarse tomboy who is fucking said lesbian
>normal black guy
Everyone praises Lightning's pits but we know where the real deal is
Played it back when it was released, and dropped it during the first Barthandelus fight. I still remember the hate boner the internet had for this game to this day.
A few years later, I gave it another chance, it wasn't terrible. It wasn't terrible, but it's definitely not a game I would play again. The first quarter of the game feels like a chore, and Sazh is the only interesting character in the game. In addition to this, the lore logs explains shit better than the dialogue does, which isn't a good thing.
Not everyone will agree with me on this, but the sequels improve upon this game slightly. It's wild how Lost Odyssey was overlooked because of FFXIII.
The ultimate pleb filter
It's """alright"""
Best Final Fantasy game since VI
>think of this """alright"" game
It goes straight to the trash """alright""".
the best of the worst ones. It's remarcable they managed to get worse and worse with each instalment, learning fuck all from the mistakes and criticism recieved