Serious question

Name me some western AAA games that came out in the last 3 years in which there exist females that have big breasts

This is a serious question, I want to see if these games exist

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I don't know but i think we deserve a new yakuza with Anri Okita

Fuck w*stern devs

I literally cant

Does it really matter at this point?
Just become an indie chad for western games
AAA shit is almost a lost cause when it comes to female characters.

Octopus ring lips don't look so bad on lighter skin.

whatcha say kiddo?

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Borderlands 3


No one seems to care about the representation of hot chicks with huge tits in games. And that's just really sad. Big titty girls aren't going to have any female characters that look like them in the games they play :(

Mortal Kombat 11, Sindel has huge fucking milkers.

BTFO, as always

Borderlands 3
Crash Team Racing
Not a new game release but Heroes of the Storm added new heroes with huge breasts within the past 3 years as well

Power Girl has her huge tiddies in Injustice 2.

Attached: Injustice2.jpg (750x1121, 206.86K)

user pls

those are normal breasts

The average breast size of 18 year old is bigger then that.

How big do they have to be for you anons to consider them "big"?

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They are virgin fucked up by porn or just pretending to be retarded.

Probably at this point or so. On cartoons however it is typical to be larger. They make muscles and other features larger then reality so it should be expected.

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lmaoing at ur life femcel

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real men focus on thighs

Western devs are too afraid of making attractive females

Those are large, not huge

Holy fuck you are retarded, stop watching anime holy shit

None, which is why triple Ayyyy is fucking stupid and indie devs are the future

Doesn't make you any less unattractive

Stop being a homophile

OP asked for AAA games with big tits not anime games with retarded chest balloons

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Maybe you should stop pretending like baiting people on Yas Forums is achieving something and get a productive hobby. You suffer from the sin of sloth.
Do your neurons really get tickled each time you see a you? It doesn't even matter the contents does it? You will never be someone everyone admires and this is why.

Name a western indie game that has big tits that doesn't use the word "waifu" in the title or in it's dialogue.

I don't give a shit about OP, I'm just correcting someone who was wrong

Wings of Vi

Normal boobs are not big or huge are you retarded how many more times in this thread is this going to need to be corrected you dumb woman

big breasts its like bronze , too much of it so its worthless
small beasts are like gold . too little so its more worth

How am I wrong? Big/Huge/Large is all the same shit. Just because they aren't absurd doesn't mean they can't be classified as big.