How do you fuck up hitboxes/tracking this badly in a game?

How do you fuck up hitboxes/tracking this badly in a game?

Attached: dark_souls_1_bad_doorway_hitboxes-6.webm (640x360, 2.15M)

>Press backstep button
>Character backsteps

are you blind? That's clearly him gettin knocked back

>Nothing to knock him back
>Clearly plays the backstep animation

that's literally a backstep

>doorway knocks him back
>doesn't even look similar to. The animation

dude thats clearly the backstep animation

What the fuck are you talking about?
You hit precisely zero platforms on the way down, dumb ass.

You are so fucking retarded. It even shows the stamina cost for the backsteo being applied

I swear to god I reintall the game just to prove how retarded you're if you dont shut the fuck up

Every single souls webm I have ever seen posted here looks like a glitchy mess. It's stupefying to me that this series is so popular.

If you want to bait with something this stupid make sure it's a game that 90% of Yas Forums hasn't already played to death, moron.

>no enemies in that specific area
>static object
You're a retard. Static environment meshes use collision volumes you retard. Hit boxes are a different thing entirely. What are you evenm trying to show with this video? Character backsteps, jumps backwards, hits no platforms on the way down. Everything is functioning correctly.

Attached: 1396578539384.gif (400x225, 1.68M)

>Static environment meshes use collision volumes you retard. Hit boxes are a different thing entirely.
No, they aren't. Both are using primitive geometry for the purposes of collision detection. The only difference is in what they do when a collision is detected.

>can clearly see the stamina bar depleting
nice bait

>The only difference is
So they are fucking different you mong. Fuck off and take your shit bait with you. Perhaps if you knew what the fuck you were talking about you wouldn't be so utterly transparent.

You have no idea what either of those things are. What are trying to say?

If you read past what you quoted you would have seen the difference lies outside what they are. You said "collision volumes" and "hit boxes" are two different things entirely. They are not. They are two different names for the same thing. An actual software developer would understand that.

epic bait

weak bait

dumbest thread i seen all year 8/10

How is this not an issue of tracking?

i love how when you call op out for being a nigger he just ignores it and when someone says something stupid he replies to him

He clearly backstepped and fell in the wrong place. Just walking off the ledge would have worked just fine.

1st off, that's clearly the backstep, something done on purpose. Secondly, what is it you even think "tracking" is? Tracking is one object's ability to be facing another one, especially while one or both are moving.

This OP is what a turbo faggot looks like.

They're not high budget polished AAA games. They're popular because they're unique and have lots of soul.

Look at your stamina you pleb, you backstepped.


there's a pick axe in DAS?

Attached: hmm.jpg (648x526, 42.88K)

Rare drop from boulder guys. Basically just a meme weapon anyway.

you're a meme weapon

It's good with the leo ring

it's shit