Will you preorder FF7 Remake EP2 after playing the Remake?

Will you preorder FF7 Remake EP2 after playing the Remake?

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I will support my Japan bros, I prefer looking at cute females in my games instead of trannies and dykes, Kthnx.

I never pre-order any game but I'll probably buy it day one since part 1 was really good.

I love part 1

Yea the fact the first game is not just a straight up remake makes me interested in how the story will diverge.

thats a no brainer: for sure

Part 1 was amazing so yes.

yes i will unironically CONSOOM unless it is 20 hrs like ff13-2

>preordering games
I'll buy it day 1. That's 3 fucking years from now though.

No. FF7 Remake contained women, which means its shit.

Thing is if the series was a true remake id probably wait for the entire series to first come out before paling it.
Now that its more of a Sequel/What if story i am interested in playing it now.

there is no reason to preorder just buy when it comes out

XIII 2 is 20+ hours if you rush thru the story.
It easily has 50+ hours of content if you acualy explore.

i never actualyl played it, my friend said it was 20 hrs

Maybe not pre-release. If its on PS4, maybe. If it is for the PS5, then only if it is impressive enough to buy a ps5

I'm not buying any of them until all parts are out and on PC.

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yeah, pic related

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Probably. I wasn't even that excited for the first. It was such a pleasant surprise.

Does Barret actually repeat himself in the JP dialogue?

I don't preorder anything anymore. I watch the first 10 or so hours of gameplay and then decide if I want to play the game

I think it's supposed to read as the other characters in the party saying it with him.

Yes, the first one was kino.

While i really liked it, i don't know how i feel waiting 10 years to actually finish the story. Ive only played a bit of the original because i'm not a fan of turn based or random encounters, but at this point i might just play the original

you should play the original anyways, the Remake doesn't make much sense without playing the original because it's secretly an alternate universe/"what if" kind of thing. So it's not like you're spoiling yourself by playing the original anyways. The stories are diverging, to some extent.

Yeah, I can't wait

Yeah. I don't think the ending is well done but I like the rest of the game a lot. There's tons of cool shit in FF7 to make the overall ride worth it even if the plot goes retarded. It's about the same way I feel about Kingdom Hearts.

Yeah I'm too invested to quit now

Buying PS5, then pre-ordering the shit out of this one.

>buying ps5 to play ps4 games

No Cid no buy

Yes. I just want more of that combat with hopefully more materia to mess around with. Also I want to see how ridiculous they make the Rufus parade

Of course. Everything in the remake, story included, was a straight upgrade compared to the original.

ps5 is bc with ps4

If you just want to go through the story of the original the remasters have tools that can speed up the game or even turn the game into a VN if you so want

Not sure if it'll be the Deluxe Edition again, though.

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I will buy it but I wanna see how the overworld looks

Yes, absolutely. There ain't no gettin' offa this train we're on.

Yes. Chapter 18 was a bit of a disappointment. I still think there is a good chance the remaining story will play out the same as the original and that chapter 18 was just Square-Enix going "We need a dramatic last battle for this game!!!!!". Because otherwise the last boss would have been the robot thing on the highway (or they would have had to extend the game beyond Midgar). There was nothing in the ending that concretely indicates anything actually changed. But other than that I thoroughly enjoyed the remake and am looking forward to part 2 and I generally don't look forward to anything anymore.

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At most it will be like XII’s