Is the age of beautiful women in video games dead ?

Is the age of beautiful women in video games dead ?

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Yes, I can only hope Japan gets on the right track again.

Nah euro and jap games still have the best chicks.

True, the ginger from Witcher is sexy af. Also, some of the Overwatch characters are beautiful.

So stuff like Horizon Zero Downs and Trannyspunk 2069?

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>Also, some of the Overwatch characters are beautiful
Burger game with Chink modelers. Not Euro.

only in the west
you've seen this ride coming for a decade now, this shouldn't be a surprise, op.

>Beautiful, minor imperfections which only enhance her aesthetic, genuine-looking smile
>alien doll face with 10 pounds of make-up, the emotion she is expressing is unclear, uncomfortable to look at
Without comparing the gameplay or literally anything else of the games these characters come from, the image makes it clear that the American one looks much better.

Nah, like the Witcher and Metro.

nah she ugly. and dyke central.

cope roastie, lose weight

I diagnose you with a terminal case of shit taste.

>beautiful, minor imperfections which only enhance the aethetic of the lizard
>xbox huge dinosaur with fucking wings, how the fuck is it flying this is not how physics work- and why are there wizards and magic in this world?? my autism is getting triggered!
why do you gaijin pigs drool over muh realism so much. I play games to take a break from reality, not experience it again

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>Is the age of beautiful women in video games dead ?

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soul vs soulless

Really? I assumed gook, or gook-styled at least.

If having shit taste means I don't like butch dykes then consider me king of shit mountain.

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>why do you gaijin pigs drool over muh realism so much.
I don't? wtf
All I did was judge the beauty of the girls in the OP, of which one of them is clearly in the uncanny valley zone and the other executes realism much better.
The better question is, why do you nips start sperging when met wtih the slightest hint of criticism?

not yet

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We just got the most beautiful girl in vidya

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Different games, different art direction.

stop playing retard, anyone can distinguish between obvious fapbait, an artwork with good aesthetics, and disgusting libshit art.

And it tends to be the progressive coommies who go out of their way to harass and vandalize artists who are more focused on good aesthetics (aka make a picture that's nice to look at for once).

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>why cant literally everything be made with shit taste like my animes?

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looks like a south korean cosplaying as a white person.

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objectively yes. also, for everyone who points out how the japs design their girls, they are not beautiful either, they all look like mannequins with huge boobs.

don't play dumb, you clearly bitched about muh unrealistic beauty standards in your original post. And ironically the right side is more focused on intentionally being fake which causes the picture/model to look pretty and out-of-this-world. the left is more uncanny BECAUSE its grounded in realism but that's just my opinion.

I'm not even a big fan of weebshit or have yellow fever. Also you haven't refuted my original point yet.

try harder

I am not going to argue with an obsessive freak. I just stated that I like left better than right and have no patience for your autism.

Yes. Remove all females from games.

False equivalency. One is actually studying the narrative, but the other is solely focused on a character, and then on top of that it's not even a character that actually exists, but rather a collection of a select handful of rare tropes all mashed into one. So on top of being a bad analogy, it's a strawman as well.

Tifa has far better pov shots.

tifa is a ugly chink

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