What jrpgs are you playing right now user? I just finished Ys 8, now plan on buying tales of zestiria

What jrpgs are you playing right now user? I just finished Ys 8, now plan on buying tales of zestiria.
Thread theme: streamable.com/40bdxr

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Ricotta fishing!

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cute, cute!

When is ys9 coming over?! I need my loli fix. It has a playable loli, right?

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>the final fish in this game
Holy fuck. Honestly thought I was going to break my analog stick.

i'd let her pull my rod if you know what i mean

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I wish I had a little sister like Kuro to play video games with.

I wanna sexually FUCK DualShock 4!!

Kuro would cheat by sitting on your lap or by tickling your inner thigh.

Star Ocean 2, just finished the tournament "arc".

ill tickle her cunny

Ys 8 is shit and so is Zestiria
And I'm a jrpg enthusiast

But user, that way you'll end up playing something other than videogames!

>not catching the Magikarp with Misty

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For me, it's Vanilla

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I too wish I was shirou.

left: cute right: funny

trying to complete Graces F 100% but title grind is so bad.
I'm gonna jump on Persona 5 Battle Royale next

i wish i was brainlet weeb and could play jrpgs

Illya looks really, really nice in uniform

Ricotta fighting!

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No, i'd tickle it with my tounge while I play

It has Shironeko, yes. Also fuck knows when.

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>plan on buying tales of zestiria
Don't, it's playable in RPCS3 and looks better then the native PC port when you raise the internal resolution.

Playan this shit, just got turned into a cat, but I guess that's fine too

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Are you sure that's not Kuro in disguise?

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Just finished utawarerumono 3, it was real fun and a nice conclusion to the trilogy, I think

What do you guys think about dusk diver?

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does cyber sluts count as a jrpg?

Yes it does. I was about to buy it too, is it better than next order? The grind in NExt order killed the fun for me.

>thread about jrpgs
Can‘t make it up