drops in 1 hour, get your shitposting in early
drops in 1 hour, get your shitposting in early
>Will have Denuvo, Uplay, and VMProtect DRM in it
>Wont be as good as Odyssey
>Will have the same feeling as every other one of Ubisoft's open world games
>Will have micro transaction EXP boosts
>Will have a shit and forgettable story like most AC games
Why is anyone even hyped again?
nobody is hyped, this thread was made by a ubisoft employee
just sage and move on, don't bother reporting it, the jannies and mods won't do shit, they are probably already paid off and in on the marketing attempt
>Ubisoft employees browsing Yas Forums
Doubt it.
>Doubt it.
Most game devs go to REEEset Era, Reddit, or Twitter.
>New game is being announced
>Expecting people not to talk about it
>People who talk about it are paid shills
Standard shill deflection comment, there is a 99% chance that an employee had copy + pasted this from a manual.
What stops them from coming on Yas Forums? The site's posters are anonymous, you can't tell who's on here, and nobody professionally reveals that they're here.
Odyssey was trash.
It’s the Montreal team developing it so it ought to be ‘innovative’ by Ubisoft standards (so not at all) but expansive and polished at the very least.
>get your shitposting in early
Why? whats the fucking point? It's Ubisoft, its literally more of the same conveyor belt garbage. It's not even new or interesting enough to shit on it. I'm sure everyone with half a brain knows how it will turn out by either having played any Ubisoft game in recent years or just seeing how shit they are.
It will be just like the other Asscreeds only in a different setting. Is this really that interesting for you zoomers?
Nobody is, this is a coordinated marketing shill by ubisoft
Last time I touched an Ubisoft game was when I was pirating AC Odyssey, user. I don't like their games, they all feel the same.
Also I refuse to use anything with Uplay and Denuvo.
also black flag and revelations people are working on the story
Because Compared to other websites, Yas Forums is fairly small and a waste of time to do targeted advertising to. If they were smart, they would be be marketing on Reddit or Twitter.
I'm hyped and I dont work for Ubisoft, friend :)
The threads yesterday were nice and comfy. I miss that already.
>its literally more of the same conveyor belt garbage. It's not even new or interesting enough to shit on it.
AC is not a JRPG, though
>cinematic trailer
So it's going to be five minutes of Vikings fighting Anglos then a title drop with no actual information. That's what AC cinematic trailers tend to be.
At least we'll probably know what part of the viking age it's actually set in. Tail end would be more interesting.
is it necessary to have 4 AssCreed threads?
what's going on in here fellas
>I dont work for Ubisoft, friend :)
Sure thing, there's so much hype surrounding this, just look at this thread! Oh...
>Viking game
>There wont be any pillaging or raping
What is the fucking point then?
My prediction is you're a Viking but with but fighting against the Vikings. Sort of like Odyssey.
Oh wow vikmemes. Who gives a fuck. Most overrated warriors ever.
No, but it beats have about 10 TLOU2 threads
I reckon it'll be downright bad like most of the assassin's creed games