I honestly expect 3 to make the jump now that Tencent has it's hands Platinum now. Nintendo has been extremely quiet on the matter of exclusivity.
When will Bayonetta 2/3 go multiplatform?
Sooner rather than later I hope.
I am 100% against arbitrarily keeping sequels to one platform, which is why I appreciate Nintendo allowing W101 on multiplat.
However I can't honestly recommend Bayo 2 to anyone who's been playing 1 for more than a weekend.
Still important for others to have access to it and if Bayo 3 is good absolutely.
Same for Astral Chain though that's just me hating the performance on Switch.
Trust me, you don't want to play Bayonetta 2.
I don't think astral chain will ever get ported unlike w101 it sold well in nintendos eyes and its a nintendo ip so its not leaving nintendo
Bayonetta has kinda become synonymous with Nintendo due to their deal, this isnt like with W101 where the game flopped hoorendously, Nintendo probably want to have a stranglehold over the publishing rights over Bayo 2 and 3 as long as possible.
I wonder if they removed this in the new version?
They might... In a few years.
They did the same thing for Wonderful 101
God Kamiya is such a fucking snake stabbing Nintendo in the back for this
nintendo owns the ip and it did not flop why would nintendo let them port it to other platforms, its not like W101 where it failed and the devs wanted to give it a second chance
nintendo gave them the okay for wonderful 101 though, its technically a nintendo IP I could see it doing well and the sequel being a switch exclusive
>why would nintendo let them port it to other platforms
Kamiya has been in a back-stabbing mood for a while now, I think it was due to Scalebound being canned and noone picking it up.
>Bayonetta has kinda become synonymous with Nintendo due to their deal
Platinum have already said they want to turn into japanese EA, they don't care about that, look at Crash Bandicoot and Sony, it was synonymous for a time but no longer
lol never
I'm sure Kamiya has some weaselly way of getting the rights to the series for Platinum.
>Tencent has it's hands Platinum now
Tencent has nothing of Platinum though. They made a loan, that's it.
How many games has platinum finished since announcing Bayo 3? That shit is weird, complete silence, same with that Fatlus game
Good. Exclusives are great but Bayonetta should have never become one. Enough time has passed since Bayo 2's release and Bayo 1 was recently put on PS4/X1. Even if Bayo 3 stays Nintendo exclusive I would still like to see 2 on other platforms.
>Kamiya has been in a back-stabbing mood for a while now
The fuck are you talking about?
They literally have to ask for permision for anything about their financed games, that's it. If Nintendo says ok then they can do whatever they want, if they say no then they can't. That's it.
That's how it always begins, and then they become Chinese puppets in the end.
Bayo 2 only exists because of Nintendo.
It was dead. Nobody was going to pay for it and Bayonettas series would have ended.
>The fuck are you talking about?
Wonderful 101/Bayonetta port
See the OP as well where P* talk about fucking over Nintendo and SEGA despite all the money both dumped into Bayonetta
Kamiya has turned into a real garbage person recently
>How many games has platinum finished since announcing Bayo 3?
Astral Chain last year, and Wonderful 101 Remaster this year.
>Kamiya was talking about trying to force Nintendo to port that too
I don't understand anyone who can defend Platinum games right now.
>Snoybois still begging for Bayonetta ports
Never ever.
It's only good on normal. Once you get to hard or higher, enemies just become parry-spam bots.
I dunno. They have no reason to do it but since Platinum and Nintendo seem to have a good relationship and they are probably aware of what Kamiya wants they may be nice and allow Bayonetta 2 and eventually 3 on other platforms, but only many years later. They had no reason to allow it for W101, and if they were able to port #FE on Switch who managed to bomb again by the way, they could have done the same for W101.
If they become Chink puppet, expect Android / ios port with p2w microtransaction :^)
>P* talk about fucking over Nintendo
You are making a fire out of a bucket of water. They want to become independent for developing games without needing other studios to finance them. Their relationship with Nintendo is the same as with Square Enix, they just ask them games and they develop them.
>Wonderful 101
They literally asked for permision and Nintendo told them it was okay as long as they financed it themselves since they view no value in the IP.
>Bayonetta port
Nothing to do with Nintendo, and Sega would have no problem with that.
Well from what I remember, they directly financed Bayonetta 2.
It may have been the same case with Wonderful 101, but W101 flopped so hard that I don't see a company like Nintendo standing in the way of them trying to recoup something from it, Bayo still is a bit of a draw.
But these deals are obfuscated and I can see why they'd want to avoid making a statement that could be used against them (companies they don't want pushing out of exclusivity deals, for example). Just up to whatever's good.
>They want to become independent for developing games without needing other studios to finance them
And they can do that but why do they need to fuck over the people that funded these games? There is no need for this level of snake like behavior
>Their relationship with Nintendo is the same as with Square Enix
If the only Nintendo funded games where Star Fox Zero I would agree but its so fucking clear Platinum had their series pushed by Nintendo
Nintendo is shit, who cares.
noticed a lot of this shit lately. why are they shilling nintendo shit?
Sega owns the Bayonetta IP, retard. not Nintendo. All Nintendo did was co-fund it in an attempt to get older players to actually want their garbage flop of a console. Platinum wouldn't be fucking over anyone if they ported Bayo2 to anything, and we haven't heard who is funding Bayonetta 3 yet.
Five years later. Still fucking salty.