Post Scriptum

why aren't you playing as the good guys right now?

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is this game from 2005 lmao ayy

busy playing the good guys in il2


shame theres no sound. alot of the explosions and ambiance in this sound really good

>hour long game
>1 kill and 23 deaths
How the fuck do I play this game

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dont join the bad guys

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Drink alcohol until you unlearn all that arcade shit you probably know, unless it involves hiding in a bush or dropping rallies.

is it like Rising Storm? i played that game and couldn't last a minute without dying

look around
move to next position
look around

kill people in the sides
use bushes and cover

one of my first games I went 40-3 with the Kar just cause I flanked and people are dumb

play armor 4 killz

>The teaser for the next expansion back in November looked like North Africa, maybe even Pacific
>Get amerimut wank about D day instead
No thank you.

I play this super cautiously, I can literally go through the entire match without seeing any enemies, but they somehow always see me.

>D-Day was just Americans
why are Euros so retarded

>it takes over an entire second for him to start getting hit with bullets
tragic how they've softened up war

I was disappointed too, I though it was going to be somewhere in Italy, but that's just basic bitch normandy invasion.

>Playing Hell Let Loose
>Squad lead tries to force me into a role I've never played before
>Play it anyway, do a shit job
>Get kicked from the squad
Is Post Scriptum more accepting of newfags? I've had more than a few run ins with shitbags in HLL and I only have about 12 hours or so in the game.

The fuck is he even shooting at

arent these games unplayable without a clan?

Only Americans failed to take their beachhead without dying, so they are the only ones that care.

Nobody cares what the fuck you're doing unless you're a team leader/radioman. Not like it matters because you only have like 50% chance that your team knows how to set up spawn points anyway.

He's just shooting blindly like most players because the enemies are the size of 2 pixels most of the time.

meh I'm of over WW2 semi-sims, Call of Orchestra 2 ruined it for me to be honest. Also whats up with the sudden resurgence of WW2 shooters? Post Scriptum, Hell Let Loose, Battalion 1944, Enlisted, that British game about some bridge.

Because the game is not very good
I will stick to rising storm 2

Time and experience, once you've played a map a bunch of times you learn the flow and ways it plays out, sometimes its just plain bad luck.

PR 1.6 just came out, why would i play that over PR?

*sips* yep, now that's a good fps

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I remember stopping playing this game when I couldn't pick a sten off the ground. Can you loot weapons off the ground now?

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>play on the map with the big bridge as the poles
>entire match is just people shooting at one moving pixel from kilometers away with unscoped rifles

Just tell them you don't know what to do you autist.
It's a lot easier to explain than having to deal with your retarded ass that refuses to communicate.

then play a different map, or just play the way you want, whats your problem

We have been over this old man Hell Let Loose is the superior game.

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No you can't

plays like a console shooter, not really my cup of tea


I'll wait for ww2 then

Anyone over 30 here who still plays these games?

Why is it the superior game?

Does it have urban maps yet? Or do you still need to sprint for 5 minutes across open fields to reach your objective?

>western front

I sleep

>posting on Yas Forums after turning 30

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yeah yeah; I know

>starting that deep in the troop carrier and not going over the side
deserves the bullet

mean for pr, missquoeted

can you pick weapons off the ground?

Last time I checked there's no limit on age but a certain minimum. So kindly sod off.

just follow the squad's commander you're in and listen to him. Also, be careful, don't run&gun.

whats your obsession with picking up dropped weapons? just realism?