Here's your main character, bro

Here's your main character, bro.

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Is this achievable natty?

Attached: 1476681859883.png (226x262, 104.45K)

ellievirgins btfo

abbychads was in the right all along

this is either a dude or a juiced up woman

no really imo
for a while maybe but it's not sustainable in the long run without roids

who would win in a fight
i think the cybertranny has xer beat

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Is Chloe going to play her?

the fuck are you talking about, that's a normal active lifestyle physique


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If you're a guy, yes. A woman? No.

twinks>bearmode trannies

his thighs don't compare

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I remember a time when women looked like women in vidya but can still be strong characters.

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Yes and?

That's a strong looking boi

God i want her to polejump that ass on my face

he's a big guy

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Holy fuck

This about sums up the game

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Can anyone explain to me why Beef Mcfridge is more built than Salem from Army of Two?

Attached: Salem.jpg (1440x900, 206.98K)

not in a fucking post apocalyptic world idiot, you can't go to a shop and buy some protein and some meat.

Who? What?

One of the writers for GoT season 8

Abby is reading City of Thieves in the new leaks, and it ain't subtle.

rent free

>can’t post my women’s Olympic weightlifting webms

Poor thing. Is it a way to show how heavily the society degraded in the post apocalypse?

For me? It's speed skaters

Attached: glutesgf2.webm (600x800, 1.85M)

Unironically enjoyed City of Thieves as a kid, am I the problem?

Play Japanese games and support them, say no to having to look at ugly 'women' in games. If I want to see ugly 'women', I will go to Games Done Quick conferences, I don't want that in my games.

This is the most uncanny valley character I've ever seen in a AAA game.