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Haha, she said cracka :DD


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ebony queens are for white shotas

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ay carumba

>mayo infused broth
hilarious, asian masculinity autists are on another level.

Look at this dood

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>mike was based all along

dios mio...

is it bad that i kind of like the loco bandito
it's so fucking batshit stupid and garbage it loops around to being enduring

Is this some kind of edit? the guy looks like he was edited in

It would be funny if it wasn't so accurate

Why is the couple mixed race?
What does that add to the joke?


Oh shit, Bill Burr has a bward now

Why would the couple not be mixed race?
What does that take away from the joke?

what phenotype is that?

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dude did they just say something that soundy sexy mexy hten DidD Somethin els

If he hates America so much why doesnt he move home?

its not


>tfw no black racist gamer gf

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I can't even remember the last time we actually had a rage thread on Yas Forums. I haven't seen one since like 2012

I miss lol threads
>a lot of Yas Forums doesn't even know why we shit on shad

shadman did it better

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Why is this flip lining up for chef Jeff's restaurant if he's thinks he's too good for fusion?

I mean its pretty easy to see why


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There's not a whole lot of remarkably shitty webcomics to make fun of anymore. Dobson hasn't really been active for a while, and Bum Tickley has just gotten boring. Even the tranny child and pro feminist comics have gotten stale, the wells run dry.


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Nigger what? I saw a lol thread a few weeks ago at most and anytime shad is posted he still gets shit on. Are people actually waxing nostalgic for a couple of weeks ago now?

It's literally white genocide unfolding RIGHT BEFORE YOUR FUCKING EYES

Where are you Barney?

>Guy wears a warior shirt
>"I'm wario!"

feels like i've been hit with autism

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How ugly is this girl who draws these irl? curious

This one's not bad.

because he made a comic where even native asians hate him
basically everyone is the bad guy but him

hahaha thats pretty epic nigger

The accuracy of this has officially made you king of Yas Forums.

why are the Japanese the only likable Asians? The rest are either pathetic insecure faggots or automata bug people. I guess the Koreans are OK actually, they seem relatively normal.

I remember when lol threads were the cancer

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I'm not a racist person but this guy made me hate Filipinos.

>Those lips

>taste changes when you grow up
Who would have thought?

Jesus remember when ponies were all over this site

The same reason he still lives in horrible, racist America instead of moving back to the nation of his people he supposedly loves so much.

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>last panel

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He's a hapa. He's not even a full-on Asian.
