Weekly Famitsu sales

1. [NSW] Animal Crossing: New Horizons – 283,913 / 3,895,159
2. [PS4] Trials of Mana – 80,383 / NEW
3. [NSW] Trials of Mana – 70,114 / NEW
4. [PS4] Final Fantasy VII Remake – 65,569 / 839,074
5. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – 15,264 / 2,897,849
6. [NSW] Ring Fit Adventure – 12,351 / 778,943
7. [PS4] The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Zero – Kai – 10,979 / NEW
8. [NSW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – 9,636 / 3,665,504
9. [NSW] Super Mario Party – 9,377 / 1,416,280
10. [PS4] Predator: Hunting Grounds – 9,172 / NEW

Switch – 66,609
Switch Lite – 40,495
PS4 – 18,123
PS4 Pro – 14,933
New 2DS LL – 1,690
Xbox One X – 177
New 3DS LL – 94
Xbox One S – 65

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this not a day late?
also wheres pacman and so on

You might've noticed that there's a bit of a virus going on.

Good for Trials of Mana, sold well

Remake sales are consistent, it has sold over 1.2 million in Japan if we count digital

Fuck Trannymal Crossing

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They've been putting it out on Thursday for the past few weeks, don't know if it's a permanent change.

lol AC is beast.

>2. [PS4] Trials of Mana – 80,383 / NEW
>3. [NSW] Trials of Mana – 70,114 / NEW
um wtf.... Yas Forums told me games sell better on the switch
switch has 3 times more owners in japan yet the game sells worse on the switch?

>1.2 if we count digital

Because switch users don't play trash games.

They're too busy playing AC

Check the backlog, if the game is optimized properly, the Switch version usually sells better. When it isnt, other console version usually sells better.

last week Xbox sold about 50 units and this week it sold almost 250!

>[PS4] Trials of Mana – 80,383 / NEW
>[NSW] Trials of Mana – 70,114 / NEW

By comparison with Media Create data cause I'm too lazy to find Famitsu:
>[PS4] Secret of Mana (Square Enix, 02/15/18) – 36,042 (New)
>[PSV] Secret of Mana (Square Enix, 02/15/18) – 17,947 (New)

Some Japs needed a decent 4K Bluray player.

And Collection of Mana was about 30k

Japan had a holiday yesterday

>Switch – 66,609
>Switch Lite – 40,495
>PS4 – 18,123
>PS4 Pro – 14,933
And the status quo is already restored. And to think that the momentary dip that was picture related, had outlets report on the PS4 overtaking the Switch with the cited FF7R boost and all. And it was all temporary.

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>switch users don't play trash games.

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>4. [PS4] Final Fantasy VII Remake – 65,569 / 839,074
>7. [PS4] The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Zero – Kai – 10,979 / NEW
>10. [PS4] Predator: Hunting Grounds – 9,172 / NEW

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Kneel and concede, FF7 keks

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if we count digital AC is surpassed 5m.

>AC sold nearly 4mil units already
That fucking insane. New Leaf was a popular game, but holy fuck the series exploded with New Horizons.


FFVIIR has passed the physical copies of FFXV this week ... rip berry

digital + physical> 1.2 million

Why the fuck is Switch selling more than the PS4 still? PS4 has a fee larger and superior library with more big hitters coming soon


Make the Final Fantasy Franchise a loser.

>with more big hitters coming soon
Like what user?

Whatever, I went and found Famitsu:
>[PS4] Seiken Densetsu 2: Secret of Mana # (Square Enix) {2018.02.15} (¥4.800) - 28.171 / NEW
>[PSV] Seiken Densetsu 2: Secret of Mana # (Square Enix) {2018.02.15} (¥4.800) - 14.019 / NEW
42,190 copies in total vs Trials' 150,497, meaning the latter sold over 3.5 times as much. Mana might be saved.

Because PlayStation is losing power in Japan.

>2. [PS4] Trials of Mana – 80,383 / NEW
>3. [NSW] Trials of Mana – 70,114 / NEW
Why do third-party games still sell more on PS4 when Switch has higher install base in Japan?

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Look at the number one seller you retard

>Why the fuck is Switch selling more than the PS4 still?
It's not shit like PS4

Why do you fags even care?, are you nintendo or sony's shareholders?

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Because Switch is a handheld and PS4 is a home console and this is Japan where every kid still plays games on handhelds.

>It's not shit
>main sellers are housewife bait games like Animal Crossdressing and Mario Kart
Whatever you say buddy

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>2. [PS4] Trials of Mana – 80,383 / NEW
>3. [NSW] Trials of Mana – 70,114 / NEW
Chawotte is vewy happy witw thewse sawes

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So at this point the only thing we can ask is which animal crossing Character is getting into smash?

My money's on Raymond

Why the fuck would anyone buy a PS4 when the PS5 is coming at the end of the year? and I highly doubt The Last of Us 2 is anything the Japanese will find appealing.

>Main sellers on the PS4 are FIFA, FIFA and oh yea FIFA
Lol ok bud

Yas Forums always singling out Japan sales to fanboy the Switch is like me using OPs mom as an example of promiscuity in women.

tom, he is the new mascot

Both consoles are shit. Not gonna argue otherwise. Stop pretend Switch is less of casual bait than PS4 is.

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>me using OPs mom as an example of promiscuity in women
Not cool user, I'm just a messenger.

This thread is about famitsu sales, if you want global sales then check VGChartz I guess?

Funny thing is FIFA and CoD appeal to dudebro chads, whilst AC appeals to women and twitter trannies

Animal Crpssing could legitimately end up the best selling game of all time in Japan.


Fucking crying nigger aren't you?

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VGChartz is fake data, never use nor suggest using it.

I just dont get how Yas Forums circle jerks shit like animal crossing and mocks FIFA sales in UK when FIFA takes 100x more skill to play and is played by men not trannies.

>one group is getting swarmed with big hits like Animal Crossing
>one group is starved for games
>why do PS4 owners buy a remake of a gba game?
I don't know user, it's weird right?

FIFA and cod appeal to third world Mexicans and fillipinos but nice try

What overlap is there even between people who play JRPGs and casual Facebook-tier Farmville games?

>4. [PS4] Final Fantasy VII Remake – 65,569 / 839,074
Jeez, is that it? It's not awful but this was the single biggest game Sony could put of for Japan and it looks weeks away from breaking a million.

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I'll take mexicans over onions anyday