What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Sonic mania ruined everything.
Yeah the game released like 7 years after colors is at fault
no it was Sonic Colors where the series lost it's soul.
He didn't ask what went right
No animetrannies allowed please
basically, you're stupid.
Call me when they will make an ACTUAL game, not a port of S3&K with 2 more levels.
You can think it’s overrated or whatever but blaming it for the past 10 years of sonic is just seething adventurefag mental illness
Call me when you stop seething about a simple “port with 2 more levels” selling more than your faggy adventure games. Oh wait.
Mania came after Colors retard. It still falls into the soulless era of sonic. as fun as it was to play it still contributed greatly the the degeneration of the series due to everyone spouting shit like "duh just let fans run sonic, and get rid of cringy modern sonic and just make classic games like muh mania"
you erafags are just as bad as the smug anime poster
>every world has its end
Easy to say that when it's not your world.
>animeposter is also dumb
arron weebers constant love fetish for big the cat is starting to concern me
I really liked Colors. It's underrated as fuck, the game had a more slow pacing and you had you GOTTA GO FAST button to speed things up, I think they could've finally done 3D Sonic turn into something really special had they refined the controls for that game a bit.
>implying I care about “eras”
I only care for quality games, if a game is good, I like it, and I defend it.
If you didn't play SA2 on dreamcast when you were 5 years old then you have no right to say anything about Sonic series. Leave it to people who actually know the subject.
>You have to be loyal to what gave you nostalgia!
>If you never played SA2 at a point where you could experience nostalgia now, you aren’t a REAL sonic fan!!1!11
The gameplay is good for the most part, but other than that everything about the game is pure shit. I HATED that it was a mostly 2D game masquerading as a 3D game, the humor and cutscenes were atrocious, the characterization was all wrong and they made Sonic uncool, and it introduced a ton of concepts that get annoyingly shoehorned into later games (aka wisps).
Trying too hard to appeal to the same target audience, but with every attempt missing their mark. Too much focus on the individual characters and not as much on the world itself and the plot pulling everything together. It's why Forces, Generations (plot-wise not game-wise) and Colors all fall flat, because the world is more of a backdrop for the characters and less of an actual "character" itself.
What a dumb argument. How old are you?
I think it began with Sonic Team chasing the Mario 64 dragon and began following whatever was the fad anime at the time.
Blind nostalgiafags are literally the problem, fuck off
Ok phoneposter
And because the plots know and acknowledge they're completely episodic and nothing truly matters, so nothing has any real weight to anything. Forgot that bit.
What the hell is the first one even from?
Wait, I mentioned Colors but I was really talking about Lost World, I'm a dumbass. That game should've been at least a sleeper hit.
Another opinion: Sonic Forces could've been great had they fully embraced the "create your own character" thing and putting Sonic totally aside. It had great potential as a spinoff.
>not answering why
>I-if I point out his argument, that’ll get the heat off of me!
SA2 babies unironically think Sonic adventure 2 was the peak of the franchise. Pretty fucking pathetic how they can’t even back that up!
The full lyrics of Sonic Boom? MAYBE one of the Sonic R songs.
The adventure era art really is the best goddamn
Adventure is good and Classic is good. Fighting between these groups is part of what allows SEGA to get away with the last decade of mediocrity.