Why was the Gamcube so shitty Yas Forumsros?

Why was the Gamcube so shitty Yas Forumsros?
>wimpy size
>discs the size of chocolate chip cookies
>disc tray so small you can't play dvds on it
>"graphics by ati"
>no built in internet adapter
>awful third party wireless controllers
>way less better than the playstation

Attached: GameCube-Set.jpg (3760x2110, 2.33M)

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What's with the recent mass shitposting of N64 and now Gamecube?

>wimpy size
Yet it was more powerful than the PS2

>discs the size of chocolate chip cookies
Like your dick.

>disc tray so small you can't play DVDs on it

Fuck. Now we'll have to play video games!?

>"graphics by ati"

The king in 2000.

>no built in internet adapter

Same with PS2 and it sold 150 million units, baching!!! *bitch slaps you hard* Rekt.

>awful third party wireless controllers

Wavebird's were manufactured by Nintendo. So, first party, baching again!!

>way less better thna the playstation

Like your dick size compared to mine. Way less bigger :)

Hang on my phon'es ringing.

Attached: 2020-02-11.jpg (410x598, 39.97K)

>Nintendo 64
Vroom vroom 1/5 of 388.

>Nintendo GameCube
Remove the 1st party games, and it kind of becomes a neutered PS2.

Akshually, the graphics were not by ATi but a company called ArtX who were purchased by ATi after they finished designing the graphics.

>they don't know

bachigga my nigga


>baching again!!
fucking based

>awful third party wireless controllers
Madcatz being shitty is somehow nintendo's fault?

you can tell Yas Forums is full of newfags because they don't recognise this pasta


>you can't play dvd's on it
Nintendo players buy consoles to play games. not watch movies like Snoys do.

Details are irrelevant. All anyone needs know about that gens graphics is that the gamecube was at the top. Name any ps2 or xboxhueg game that could stand up to REmake or rogue squadron 2s graphics. you cant.

You do know that REmake's backgrounds were prerendered.... right?

He probably doesn't realize that they are just a bunch of animated 2D backgrounds

Attached: smirking elven youth.gif (256x353, 49.3K)

Again the details are irrelevant, name a game that looks as good on the xbox or ps2 and then tell me what your excuse is for how rogue squadron BTFOs every other game in its gen.

>Again the details are irrelevant
The PS2 is the most powerful console of the generation because it can play a DVD of The Matrix.

No but the PS2 is legitimately more powerful than the GC except for texturing. The GC was easier to max out, but the PS2 had more power when devs took a couple of years. You couldn't ever achieve games like SOTC or KH2 on the GC.

How much should I pay for a GameCube? Is it worth it or should I just buy the emulated versions for a current Nintendo console?

Wii does 95% of what a Gamecube does in an all around more convenient package.

>remove 1st party games
No shit it’s not good if you remove the most important part of Nintendo’s strategy.

>buy PS2
>insert DVD of Toy Story 4
wow look at these graphics
even xbox series x completely btfo

Ninja gaiden black comes to mind but thats about it.

At least it didn't run 95% of its games at sub 15 fps like the PS2 did.

Attached: shrug.jpg (500x334, 63.71K)

wow are you actually making this argument

most ps2 platformers like the whole jak and ratchet series ran at 60 fps while super mario sunshine ran at 30 fps

Jak 3 is full of framedrops.

Wtf I want to eat gamecube discs

>Crimson Skies
>Every Splinter Cell
>Halo 2
> Escape From Butcher Bay
>Doom 3
Can you just imagine how good RE4 would look built from the ground up for xbox? It probably would have gotten proper real time shadows and lighting, increased texture detail.

GameCube was great. It was the last soulful console entry from Nintendo.

>size of chocolate chip cookies

IIRC the reason that RE4 is letterboxed is because the game is heavily reliant on GameCube's TEV shader which ate up fill rate to such an extent they couldn't render a full sized screen at the same time

so is rogue leader though cube fans won't admit

PS2 couldn't even achieve SOTC. That game ran at about 15 frames.