It's finally here

It's finally here.

Shin Sakura Taisen thread.

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I recall watching SW when I was younger. But I'm really confused by it's sudden boom.

PC when


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New game came out. Studio also made a new anime to promote it.

But for what reason?

For her?

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She cute

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Never; PS4 exclusive

Highlight of the game, right here.

Attached: sakura.webm (1920x1080, 420.04K)

Friendly reminder that the new game is a mediocre, watered down ripoff of the first game. Instead of wasting $60 just emulate the recently released frantranslation of the first:

Say no to mediocrity, anons.

I still like it

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Because you have no standards.
I bet you played Code Vein even when you could play one of the Dark Souls games or Bloodborne instead.


Never played any of those games. I only play sophisticated anime games for sophisticated gentlemen such as myself.

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Nope. I don't care about Code Vein, and I played DeS,DaS1/2/3 and BB.

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I want her to queef in my face

Hatsuho is top tier.

Attached: Hatsuho Sakura Wars 5.png (1159x730, 1.06M)

It's just a shame she isn't attractive.

Another decent franchise turned into full-blown lowbrow coomer bait for incel weeaboos. And that makes...


oh yes, the previous franchise definitely not a full-blown lowbrow coomer bait for incel weeaboos. Retard

Woman detected.

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Why Yas Forums loves to talk about shit they have no idea about?

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>Another decent franchise turned into full-blown lowbrow coomer bait for incel weeaboos
>Sakura Wars

user what did you think the series was about? The entire series is just mechs with dating sim shit.

you wish sonylet
most sega games got ported to steam and this will too

Why do the backgrounds look so bleak?

I am pissed about the nature of this chapter still. That was a Hatsuho chapter, apparently.

It's the opposite, PC friend.
Sega decided to abandon PC for good due to a mix of almost existent sales and rampant piracy.
That's why none of their console games for the past two years has been ported.

>what is yakuza
>what is catherine
>what is valkyria chronicles

>filename "Hatsuho Sakura Wars 5"

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Maybe it's the fifth image of hatsuho from sakura wars, you doughnut.

No way I'm buying a PS4 just for this

Hey Look a WOMAN

Exactly. Those are the last games you'll get on PC because Sega realized that PC isn't a profitable platform.

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Is black haired Ichigo the new Ogami/Shinjiro for this game like the new girl is another person named Sakura?

Where's that rabbit bastard at?

I want to play it, but online retailers aren't delivering the game until the end of fucking May and the only retail store that would sell this is fucking closed. I'm not buying digital for what would be a collector's item in the future.

I'm not a fan of tactics RPGs.

It's almost like Sakura is the only girl that matters

Women love the shit out of this franchise. It is one of the few that appealed to everyone.

Stop the console war you niggers and post waifus instead

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i have all of the games in physical form and this would add nicely to my collection