Has all the weapons he needs to save the world

>Has all the weapons he needs to save the world
>Does nothing with them

What an asshole.

Attached: Ravio.png (246x320, 72.05K)

He was smart, he needed money to fund his kingdom and Link had a reason to fight. Kill two birds with one stone.
The Legacy of Hilda when

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So you're saying he's like a mirror version of Link the hero of time?

That was the point, user.

This is a Furi thread dipshit.

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He had the mastersword or whatever?

He literally stole those items.

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This is literally addressed at the end of the game. He’s a lil bitch and he knows it. The end

Link between worlds was really good, hope we get a new top down zelda that‘s open world like that

I haven't beaten it yet. Who is he, and why does he have Majora's Mask on his wall?

He's Ravio. Now leave this thread and go beat the game idiot

He's a backwards Link, a coward instead of a hero

Actual spoilers, but it's not really plot-relevant
He's the Lorule version of Link

>why does he have Majora's Mask on his wall?
It's not his house.

Attached: Majora Mask Links.png (376x271, 38.74K)

You ever wonder how ravio got all his weapons and is very capable at using them?

Imagine living in a world where people worship magical triangles of cowardice, idiocy and weakness.

I like his Zelda

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I like to think Lorule's triforce represents prudency, determination and beauty

Imagine thinking that was what they actually did. They had the same virtues, their land and people became corrupted when they fucked up and lost their triforce. Ravio is cowardly because it was funny. Hilda and Yuga weren't foolish and weak.

Seriously, Yuga really should be used again.

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I love ALBW but he was the weakest part.

>>What an asshole.
The point is that he's a coward

>new villain who isn't Ganon
>becomes Ganon after you meet him like twice
Well deone, Nintendo.

I liked Ravio and Hilda having counterpart traits to Link and Zelda, Ravio being cowardly, and Hilda using her wits to trick Link. It would have been interesting to see a sinister perversion of the Triforce in the form of Cowardice (Ravio), Duplicity (Hilda), and Lethargy (Sloth? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) where-in people do not ever wish to inherit these traits rather than them being desired in Hyrule. But im also pretty dumb so whatever.

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Hilda lost her kingdom because she wasn't wise enough as a leader and Yuga was a pushover who relied on Ganon's power to do real damage.

The opposite of wisdom would be naivety or cluelessness while the opposite of power (interpreted as a form of strength) would be weakness.

Same, but at this point I have to wonder why they didn't make a full sequel to it

He's a foil to Link. He's a coward.

Now I want them to do another trio. It may seem redundant but Lorule opened up a lot of possibilities.

>Wasn't wise enough as a leader
Headcanon. What about Zelda getting kidnapped so fucking often or having her kingdom destroyed? Still embodied wisdome.

Ganon relies on trying to steal the triforce, and cronies like Zant to do his dirty work. Is Ganon not powerful because Link ultimately slaps the shit out if him? The Zelda fanbase is dumb as fuck

Yeah.. Ideally, considering Lorule isn't just "COMPLETE OPPOSITE" Hyrule, the inversed Triforce would needd to be a twist on the triforce rather than just the obvious antonyms.
Clever Cowardice to Fool-hardy Courage
Duplicitous Guile to Sage-like Wisdom
and since Ganon's strength has always been accompanied with an insatiable desire to rule or destroy, I could only imagine the inverse being a Triforce piece that grants the user infinite potential, but denies all motivation.

I mean Lorule isn't just Hyrule with all the colors inverted and people walking on their hands. It's a dark, twisted realm. Make their triforce a strange twisted version which explains why the people "lost" it because they stopped believing in the strengths of these traits and thus stopped worshiping it and lost it's prosperity. Ravio using his cowardice to save his realm could be the flame that reignites their faith in "finding strength in our flaws"

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