The games are good but there's literally no reason for any of them to be exclusives

The games are good but there's literally no reason for any of them to be exclusives

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Unlike in the ps4, nintendo switch fans ACTUALLY buy and playexclusives. It's a fact.

How is it any different for any other platform?

other than nintendo funded their creation? aka published them? that's literally a reason.

other platforms have hardware that's less dogshit. any game that's exclusive to the switch is also held back by the switch.

Thankfully most of them aren't exclusive. The ones that are exclusive will be playable thanks to emulators.


This is true. Nintenfags are huge drones and will buy games solely because of their exclusivity status.

Attached: switch experience.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

That's not even that bad. Also

>Implying snoy games run above 20fps

>That's not even that bad
This is your brain on Nintendo.

Any exclusive on PlayStation is held back by PlayStation it would be better on pc

Then any game exclusive on pc is held back by having to be optimised for 90% of pc users having toasters

Nintendochad here and I agree.
There are ZERO reasons for games to be exclusives when PC exists.

PC is no console, no one owns PC and is just like mobile, a another platform. Every console exclusive should release on PC at least one year after the initial release.

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Correct but PS exclusives besides GoW are shit and not worth playing. At least the Xbox and PS4 sort of function as a poor man's PC and can play multiplats. Nintendo can't do that. It's an underpowered POS so you can play fun games that would be better if you could play them on PC. Imagine how much better Smash would be on PC.

Quiet PC beggar, nobody cares.


That game is on PC

Gotta lick that corporation boot just right.

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It was completely unplayable before its PC release.

Nintendo only makes good games because they are exclusive.

How many fucking times do you guys need to be told if Nintendo games weren't exclusive we'd see Mario repeated over and over on smart phones and Xbox.

>exclusives are bad, they should be available elsewhere
>platform has no exclusives, why would I buy this platform
Make up your fucking minds

>>platform has no exclusives, why would I buy this platform
I don't want to buy a a platform

OK PC beggar

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Consoles should be a thing for casuals. All games should be available on PC for hardcore players who want the best possible frame rate and resolutions.

The justification for buying a console should be "it runs games better and cheaper than a PC" which is currently not the case, but next generation, it could be.

the justification is I want to own the copies I buy, can't do that on PC.



Attached: PC Gamer.jpg (2448x3264, 1.84M)

*shlop* *shlop* *shlop* *shlop*


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but its portable. I mostly play my switch undocked.

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Ok what does being portable have to do with necessity for being an exclusive. Portability isn't a gimmick or integral to the games.

What does it matter to you that it's exclusive? If you want to play it so badly, get the platform.

>not underpowered
Switch is overpowered for its size.

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I don't want to buy a useless underpowered tablet just to play a game or two.

why do you give a shit about portability when you are under quarantine. you can't go anywhere.

then keep begging

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In comparison to PC you absolute tard. The Switch is 360-tier if even that.

>What does it matter to you if it's exclusive?
>Buy the platform!
Do you not see the irony in what you just posted? I don't want to buy the platform, it offers me nothing my PC doesn't.

I literally said the current console generation is underpowered, the Switch is just 10 guiltier.

>it offers me nothing my PC doesn't.
Except the game you want to play. Also ownership, can't forget that. You can't own games on the PC. Isn't that funny?

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The reason they’re exclusive is because they’re made by the console maker to sell their hardware. They’ve been in this business since the 70s when they made plug-in consoles to play pong-like games. Unlike Sony or MS, their first party games drive their console sales so long as the product isn’t undesirable (like the Wii U and Virtual Boy).

If it wasn’t a viable business model then they wouldn’t do it but it clearly is still quite viable. They obviously feel that they make more money selling consoles and controllers and accessories than selling software only. In theory being a software-only publisher for other platforms would increase their software sales. Emphasis on in theory, there is no guarantee that would actually be the case for a variety of reasons. The Switch is a secondary console for many if not most Switch owners so they likely would sell more software overall but they would also have to pay royalties.

But all the games I want to play on Switch are playable on PC in one way or another now. It's just I had to wait 2 years for emulation to mature.

>You can't own games on the PC.
is someone going to come take my hard drive?

at least the kids have the same skin and eye color as him so people cant see immediately that he's a cuck

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Then wait for your emulation beggar tranny.

>at least he's a cuck
interesting position mustard

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you said it yourself. Its weaker then other consoles or PC. The point of exclusives is to make people want to buy the system more. I mean you can't be this fucking stupid. Why is bloodborn exclusive? It could run on Xbox or PC?
Its because it makes people want to buy your system over the other guys. This has been done since the beginning of consoles you dumb fuck autist. Shit Nintendo has survived on first party titles for the past 2 decades, but even then the gamecube had some good exclusives, just not as many as the PS2, the greatest console of all time. Its just good business.

I'm not Quarantined. I work for the government in IT, and I have been at work every single day. So portability fucking matters.

There are a few reasons actually. The biggest reason is piracy, PC has the highest rate of piracy for obvious reasons. The other issue is PC is an open platform that doesn’t follow any standards. This will change in the near future when MS releases the next version of Windows that’s S mode only and essentially turns it into a closed platform running off of a type 1 hypervisor like the Xbone OS. The open Windows is going to get marketed as a legacy product for businesses and require a Windows AD domain controller to work. Apple is going to do something similar. Windows 10 is a SAS and will simply cease to function if you don’t upgrade. Windows 7 is a dead product that doesn’t install on the latest CPUs without unstable hacks and has no more support or upgrades.

I’m sure a version of Steam will exist on this new version of Windows but it’s going to make things like user mods and hacks and piracy more difficult. Ironically this is what PC needs to be considered a serious platform

Literally me

>implying being a father for fatherless white children isn't noble