So, this shit's gonna suck

So, this shit's gonna suck
How the fuck are you gonna make a fucking viking assassin?

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AC has given up on the assassain shit for a while now

It will be the same as odyssey and origins. You do the main quest for the first 5 hours and then you need to run around the world and do the same 5 side contents repeated ad infinitum to level up so you can do the next main quest. Continue for 100 hours and you finished the games. Alternatively you can also buy EXP boosts for real money in the shop after paying 60 bucks to level up faster.

I refuse to even fucking play these games while they stay part of the ass creed franchise. ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, those places sound really cool until you inject the shitty assassins v templars retardation into the mix.

You can't even fucking assassinate anymore
>Stab someone in the neck with your hidden springblade
>they don't fucking care
Just make another fucking IP Ubisoft if you want the dark souls audience that fucking bad

>Did I mention that I am also an expert for Vikings
>better get ready for more modern shit with me

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I hate the whole RPG shit

Still no feudal Japan

Ubisoft hates easy money

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It might be nice.

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Do they still do that modern day shit?

yeah, only now it's worse since now you have sassy arrogant independent arab chick as your protagonist

Man, fuck that shit. Hated it in the first game and I haven't touched the series since.

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what is it about Ubisoft that brings out all the drooling fucking zoomers out?

>tfw no Hell in Hibernia
I want it but at the same time I think the themes of sectarianism and unionism are still far too hot in Ireland to make a game about. They would definitely make a mess of it

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I want Emperors Shadow, a mainline AC in Imperial China is like the easiest thing

>Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

Not calling it:

>Grand Parkour Murder VIII

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Leaked achievements show you can sneak in and out of a village without anyone realising you were there

Jazz age junkies would be fucking kino

Just make an assassin build retard.
Literally one shot most people.

Good thing they remove most of the assassins shit

Because, in the big picture of culture, it has been done to death. Vampires have been too. Movies, books, TV shows. Everywhere except vidya which gives the impression that it's boring and generic even tho it would be fresh and new for this medium. Also feudal japan is a massive mine field culturally, they would have to hire an insane amount of born-and-bred japanese VO to avoid the whole 'white washing' controversy, get japanese historians and consultants.


Forgot one important point. Feudal Japan has been extensively documented, both socially and technologically, which narrows their creative freedom a lot.

I haven't played a single ass creed game si ce ass creed 2. After I heard what they did to 3 I just kinda never touched the franchise again.
4 seems to have tons of praise but it doesn't seem to be that much of assassins creed game.

I bet everything I own that they will use that fake and debuked archaeology report from a few years that claimed that vikings worshipped Allah, to force in brown muslim vikings.

Well fuck, if they don't wanna tread on Japanese toes too much just do it during the Meiji/Fall of the Samurai period

You can even have your "White Devils" that way

That is retarded OP.

Viking culture is that warriors = honorable. That men who die fighting with honor go to Valhalla, while rogues who use poison, politics, etc are rejected and shuned, due to them being favored by Loki, the trickster.

You think viking society didn't have thieves? People who used daggers, hand axes and bows?

If anything playing an assassin is the best way to make a lot of shit make sense, since an assassin would be a pariah, wouldn't fit the rules of society, thus you could be a woman, gay, etc without it being out of place.

So no OP, playing a rogue Viking is not something bad or forced.

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Have we have any Gameplay videos yet?

The 8 hour gameplay teaser comes out in a few hours.

>8 hour
(x) doubt

He's trolling, it's a CG cinematic reveal trailer. No more than 2 minutes.

Watch the next game go full Japan after pic related is released
>Oh yeah, we always wanted to do Japan blah blah blah
They only do Valhalla since the Vikings, the last Kingdom and the latest God of War are popular atm

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Ah, so it's gonna be overthrow the old crusty "patriarch" Viking society

Why are you weeabos so obsessed with japan jesus christ it's creepy. Not because you eat noodles and like anime you're japanese or you understand japan'¿s culture you sad fucks.

No, what this is actually going to do is give them the excuse to say "no, we wouldn't want to be seen as jumping on a trend."

No? Women in those times also loved that culture. They didn't fight alongside the men but shieldmaidens were a thing and the men were always away raping and, what's it called? pillaging, so they HAD to know how to defend their farms and kids.

Viking culture is the opposite of Greece, nobody could afford being week or love arts and shit.

Your character will HAVE to be a pariah if you're an assassin, because it's not respectable, even using stealth wasn't respectable (despite the Viking show using it 24/7 and pretending Vikings had tactics other than screaming and running in front of an arrow).

You're not gonna overthrow the patriarchy because they will remove "historical sexism", so your female protagonist won't be slaying men and being yelled you go queen because you are not a respectable honorable warrior and because there is already equality in the game's world.