Panzer Dragoon Azel Resurrection Message

Attached: PDAR AssaultClass.jpg (1280x720, 435.46K)

Attached: PDAR SpiritualClass.jpg (1280x720, 592.56K)

Attached: Sestren Archive 01.jpg (1728x2346, 1.83M)

Attached: Sestren Archive 02.jpg (1536x2085, 1.44M)

Attached: Sestren Archive 03.jpg (1728x2346, 1.91M)

Holy shit !

Wtf this That??????

Why remaking an ip that sega doesn't care ?! It makes no sense

what is this image ??? is this panzer dragoon saga? it's a remake ???

it reminds me of something.

Seems like the made up language they were using in Saga ?

It's a remake of Panzer Dragoon Saga, same devs as remakes of 1 and 2 (1 is already out on Switch, 2 coming out this year).
1 sold well enough on Switch that they greenlight a remake of Saga.
1 coming to Steam towards the end of the year and 2 coming to Steam early 2021.
The title of Saga remake is basically a mix of the English and Japanese titles (in Japan the game is called "Azel: Panzer Dragoon RPG").

Don't play with me man...

Holy shit!!! are the concepts of the remake of panzer dragoon saga !!!! is that what it will look like?

Sega would never greenlight that shit. They just toss their ips to random 3rd party mobiles devs. On top of that, the remake was broken when it released.

Is that Panzerese ?

it is the same developers who remake this opus?

it looks like.

Not sure. Same images were sent some weeks ago about a guy pretending to have a "friend" at sega with additional infos on it.

>Sega would never greenlight that shit.
SEGA doesn't own the IP retard.
Polish publisher Forever Entertainment bought the IP rights few years back and a Polish up and coming small studio called MegaPixel are the devs.
You mean accurate to original? Literally all the complaints were that it doesn't play like 2 or Orta, of course it doesn't fucking play like them, it's the first game. It's simplistic simply because it's faithful to the simplistic original.

Same devs as the remakes of 1 and 2, MegaPixel Studio.

Seems like an encoded message of some shit made up language

panzer dragoon is one of the best sega licenses !!!

It had several key differences from the original, including the dragons movement and the way the targeting reticle worked.

All of those were patched anyway so who cares

You should check your facts, retard. Sega owns the Panzer Dragoon IP

My bad, you're right in that SEGA owns the IP, but they leased it to Forever Entertainment so my point still stands in that they're the publisher and not SEGA.

it's a fucking joke !!!!

Seems like high quality renders to me. Looks very cool ! I really like the Assault class !

As for the other 3 pictures posted. Is that some kind of cryptic shit we're supposed to solve ?

OMG !? Is that the remake from Panzer Dragoon Saga ? Were they supposed to make Swei before, though ?

They're making Zwei first, this shit is a leak

Were they really? I haven't touched it since launch.

panzer dragoon azel is one of my best RPGs of all time with Final Fantaisy 7 and legend of Dragoon.

There were two big patches and there's a final one coming soon adding HD Rumble, 60 FPS option (at lower graphics cause Switch is shit), Episode 0 and a bunch of other stuff.

Oh and Pandora's Box will be unlockable regardless of difficulty since casuals kept bitching.

I don't think it's the same development studio.

Holy shit, so more leaks at the 22nd anniversary of the US release of Saga, that couldn't be a coincidence !

Switch is underpowered for sure but PD doesn't look nearly good enough to necessitate lowering the graphics to improve the framerate. This is another Bloodstained where the devs don't know what they're doing.

nooooo!!! Yes I remember of Thé legend of dragoon. Oooh shitttte

You're a retard if you think Switch is powerful enough for 60 FPS at those graphics, especially since Luigi's Mansion 3 looks like a GameCube game and can't even do stable 30.

Panzer Dragoon Remake was successful and it sold more than anticipated. No wonder why Sega now wants to make a saga remake.

it looks like a code ...

for stories, money stories, they don't have the balls to do things.

>at those graphics
The game looks like ass. There's no reason it can't be 60fps with competent programming.

Switch LITERALLY cannot handle Unreal Engine 4.
Even Nintendo's own first party title that is Yoshi's Yarn runs at fucking 540p (docked) in order to actually reach 60 FPS and even then it's not stable.
Panzer Dragoon Remake is a 1080p Unreal Engine 4 game so of course it can't do 60 FPS at 1080p with Switch's garbage hardware.
Heck, Dragon Quest 11 runs at 720p docked at sub 30 FPS.
You genuinely don't know how shit Switch is.

Spiritual class looks way more detailed than my memory, though. Good job on whoever did this.