Why are jap games so superior to western games

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Name one japanese game that can compete with jagged alliance 2.

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name 1 good japanese RTS, and no, not the turn-based RPG that pretends to be RTS

Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Numerous old school Koei strategy games

Nice joke

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Herzog Zwei
The progenitor of the modern RTS and inspiration for the Dune developers as well as first multiplayer RTS.

What are some good Jappy games? Multiplayer preferably, because I want to demonstrate my superiority over nerds.

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Name one action open world series on par with this. Shitkuza can't compete.

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>le Bioshock Infinity with zombies and aliens
>better than anything

I laughed, mate.

>open world

Who has the better vidya, IJN or IJA?

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>name 1 good japanese RTS
why the fuck should we?

this is the same shit as "name a good japanese FPS". The nips don't give a fuck about these genres, and sadly the west doesn't give a fuck about RTS either since decades

Missurna Falls, which signifigantly predates GTA 3.

Super Robot Wars (the series)

Dead games, dead genres. Who gives a fuck? That being said, Quo Vadis on Saturn.

Name a good Western game from the past five years.

It is the way of nature since the 80s.


Game is not dead as long as people play it. Spoiled snoy movieshit is more dead than those good old games.

if Jagged Alliance 2 is so great, how come no fucking one ever discusses that game or recommends it or even just mentions it as a game they loved

you literally never hear about that game outside of threads like this where only it's existence is mentioned

bad example bro

They both suck, sony faggotry included.

It's a small group of vocal autists.

>Talks about some shit game literally no one remembers

Oh man, I can totally see Jagged Alliance being top 5.

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It's a niche game that is not popular among ironic weeb normalfags that polluted Yas Forums.

God of War, RDR 2

>western games suck they no have anime titties
>*someone posts a good western game*
>LOL that doesn't count also it sucks
reminder that weebs are weebs and they must be ignored

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Weeb site faggot and the weebs own you now.

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>how come no fucking one ever discusses that game or recommends it or even just mentions it as a game they loved
Because Yas Forums is a console-centric casual site that knows fuck all about video games that aren't third person action adventure and on console.


>ad populum argument
Also by your logic japanese games are lagging behind because the game with the highest number here is only on the 9th place.

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Even reddit has weebs now
Where should I go

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The afterlife, because anime is here to stay friendo. That or maybe resetera, but if you're going to that place you'd end up braindead anyway so might as well end it now.

>muh weeb site