>Paying 13x for a machine that will become obsolete in a month
>When your 1000$ PC is most likely better than next gen not even out yet consoles.
Im sorry, is $4000 a lot for you?
Define Obsolete.
Consoles become obsolete before they even come out if your definition is anything thats not the most powerful.
Pocket change
It's ok, console plebs will spend as much money as a PC over time through shit sale events and paying a monthly fee to use online features.
I think it's paid off after pirating a couple thousand games
>when your $4000 car is better than a $300 bike
800-1000$ will outperform any console easily and runs at true 4k usually at solid 60 fps if not more if you want better FPS over 4k and get a 120 hz display.
300$ for hardware that barely runs at 30 fps and uses fake 4k.
500 if nor more for hardware that will probably struggle to stay at 60 fps and will use fake 4k.
500$ for a 4kTV
(i am fully aware you can play consoles on a regular cheaper PC display but considering consoles users are dumb enough to acualy think PCs must cost several thousand $ its safe to assume they are dumb enough to think con soles only work on TV. )
fresh bait for insecure pc faggots
Don't forget the cost of online play.
for console or for PC?
obsolete as in no longer the most powerful thing out there.
PCniggers pride themselves on 'muh specs' and all that stuff, as soon as their machine is no longer the most powerful, they have nothing to stand on, they're basically on a treadmill.
Consoles are obsolete but that doesn't matter because no consolefag cares about peak performance in specs, most games run at 60fps, and that's objectively enough. No one but an ocd faggot needs 144fps 8k, when you can barely notice a difference.
When I was growing up, only the most normie of normies cared about graphics.
Oh yea if a console has a 60$ yearly subscription
And console generations last around 6 years now thats 360$ just to play online.
Booth require you to pay your internet bill.
But consoles have an additional bill on top of this.
The cheapest you can get is 60$ for a year and if console generations last 6-7 years now thats like 360$-420$ just to play online.
>not using bing to get free xbox live
>Having an Xbox
What is your department based on?
Replying to this thread on a $1,800 pc.
>imaging posting in less than 120hz
consoles fags BTFO again
>pirating a couple thousand games
Of which you play like 1%, tops.
Yea, I’d kill myself if I was poor lol
It is not only better than a console. It is more 10 times more powerful than the obsolete console hardware from 2013.
>playing on conesoles
but can your Skyrim do this?
Consoles work out to be more expensive in the long run
Oh, and you can do about 999999999999 more things on a PC than you can on a console
Consoles are boomer tier low IQ
but it dont have games lol
my 200$ pc is better than consoles
>$4000 PC
You don't need to spend more than 2k to be able to play the absolute toppest tier, graphically intensive shit available, though.
How do you even reach that sum? Do you also redecorate the room the pc is in? Don't tell me you buy prebuilds user..
>no difference between 144fps and 60 fps
>most console games run at 60 fps
2/10 made me reply