Is SOR4 worth the asking price?

Even good beat em ups usually launch at $15 (Scott Pilgrim) or $10 (Double Dragon Neon). What makes SOR4 worth it?

Btw, Steam and the PS4 have remote play together options so you can play SOR4 locally online. So only one person has to own a copy.

There's also Parsec, which IMO, is in some ways better than Steam remote play due to more customization options, but you can't host if you're on Win 7, unlike Steam.

Attached: sor4 box.jpg (1362x1064, 245.79K)

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I need more pictures, pictures of the big musclegirl boss!

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Nah you can beat it in about 2 hours


Remake > 3 > 1 > 2

>tfw got it for free with Ryzen game pass promo
thank you based AMD

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Remake > 2 > 3 > 1

So far what sticks out to me most is the combo system. It is pretty open and characters are designed in smart ways that allow you to chain stuff together. You can usually cancel a dash attack into an air special or find that something that ground bounces can be followed up with a jump attack and so on.

Only thing I don't like so far is the bosses, so many super armoured moves that come out fast or have good tracking. You can deal with them, it just isn't fun and usually a bit slow. Cherry is the most fun character so far just cause it feels like I can manoeuvre around their bullshit so much easier. Levels are kinda drab half the time too but most are pretty good.

Worth full price? Maybe not but it is still a good beat em up

You can beat the old games in about 20 min

>Cherry, I...

This thing is on gamepass if you use it. I was wondering though, wont gamepass really hurt a game like this? Play it once, credit feed to the end and just shrug at the ok game never touching it again? How does getting paid as a developer even work on that system anyway? If 5% of the users spend 2 hours on rage 4 on the first weekend then spend the rest of the month playing AAA whatever, how does the money get split?

The game is without question the longest beat em up ever. It has 12 full length levels and a bunch of extra modes not to mention like 20 playable characters. A first time playthrough will take you about 4-5 hours. You can easily get 10+ hours out of the game and its a beat em up so its not like you're only gonna play it once.

>game just came out
>porn already
yep thats a shill.

I need more lewd art of Cherry.

The game isnt full price. Its 25 bucks which is easily worth

this is a lie

It has the same fucking playable characters but different versions of them. Can we count SORR as having 20 charactesr too in that case?

10 hours is still shit for anything over 4.99

>the longest beat em up ever

Attached: TheTickUSBoxShotGenesis.jpg (270x369, 32.54K)

>cherry art shows that shes a pretty normal looking cute girl
>all the art will be aggressively NIGGERESS with big lips and flat noses
It hurts.

>this is a lie
Is this bait or are you actually retarded?

Who's your main?

Attached: Streets of Rage 4 - Reveal Trailer1.jpg (1920x1080, 232.68K)

It just has every version of Axel, Blaze, and Adam. But the others are unique.

Unless you want to count hacking the game to play it as perfectly as possible:

Then yes, it's a lie

Played all 3 back to back last night and it was just shy of 3 hours

I dont have 4 but i play Shiva in Remake

Dunno yet because the game isn't out for a few more hours REEEEEEE

>2 being last
Based contrarian

Is Cherry the only character who can run?

Cherry. Not only do I wanna ROCK ON inside her but she's just so fucking FAST

>complaining about the price
>suggesting people don't buy the game and remote play instead
Great OP

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What musclegirl boss? Got non-lewd pics?

There's only one version of Adam, the SoR1
SoR had more unique charactes in addition of every version

most older games were very short compensating it by difficulty.
SoR games in particular can easily be beaten in an hour each. that doesn't really excuse a modern game in the series being so short

Yeah. Its for the best. Sor3 gave everyone a run and it was kinda messy for balance


>There's only one version of Adam, the SoR1
at least play the game first before making such a statement

Maybe but it makes her feel much better to play. Could have given other characters a dash or roll or something.

Beat’em ups are kind of like rail shooters in that they’re held up by replay value. For me at least.

Yeah, but Adam can also dash really fast.

Axel has a roll for one of his super moves

The first 2 SoR games, especially 2 are not difficult games by any stretch of the imagination.

>steam purchase stuck on "working"

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This "new" version of him is new

check your library

sor4 is like longer then the entire trilogy combined. I'm 7 stages in and I've been playing for close to 4 hours

the game is already in your library at this point

Making everything slow and sluggish does not make the game more balanced, especially hilarious how unbalanced SOR2 is


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>buy SoR 4
>beat it
>refund it under 2 hours

Everything went better than expected.

If you removed the purposely slowed down gameplay to how should have been, like the first three or the remake then it would be a lot less fake length

Thanks lads


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He's asking legitimate questions because he wants to know what he's paying for. What's wrong with that?

He's only mentioning the share play because it was brought up last thread.

I only have one thing to ask about this, however. Playstation's share play can only work with one buddy can it not? If that's the case you're better off using the official two player online that the game comes with anyway.

Who's this girl? I wanna watch her show.

>Beat’em ups are kind of like rail shooters in that they’re held up by replay value

Check out The Warriors and MK Shaolin Monks. Possibly the only beat em ups ever made that were worth the $50. How the west outclassed Japan in a genre they made I'll never understand (seriously, Urban Reign and Final Fight Streetwise? What the fuck?)

Attached: warriors ps2.jpg (354x500, 46.02K)

side character from persona 4

you read that absolutely correct, i didn't pay anything for the game pass

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Uh we don't talk about Streetwise here.

Not him but I pay 0 (Zero) dollars for gamepass ultimate. Everything on there is free.

>be character animator
>don't know in depth anatomy
>don't do enough gesture studies
>don't study perspective and objects in 3D space
>don't look, see and feel the forms
>draw characters that look like mush
Every female character's legs look like the same two S curves.

>gpu bricks itself one month later.

>Making everything slow and sluggish does not make the game more balanced
Fast characters can get out of sticky situations more easily, but they have to take risks and commit to deal any serious damage.
Heavy characters can deal huge damage more easily, but have a harder time recovering when knocked down or surrounded.
Being able to do both at once nets you The Punisher where enemies can barely keep up with you. That, and giving even the heavy characters a run makes the fast characters feel less unique by comparison.

The cyber-arms guy can grapple enemies towards him from a long distance even though he's the slowest character, why does he need a run on top of that?

burgers BTFO once again

i honestly wish capcom would make a new final fight,more devs need to start releasing smaller games alongside some of their bigger ones

nice goalpost movement there m8, also

Nigger, new pokegirl porn came out even before the new game got released.

>Got non-lewd pics?

The only non-lewd stuff I've seen of her is the official art.

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axel and blaze dont really have much unique about them adam can dash,cherry can run and floyd can bionic commando people

Fighting Force remake when

Never because it was soulless, god awful, westashit

Playable when

>you can FINALLY land back on your feet after non-throw enemy attacks
i've never wanted more from streets of rage game, 4 plays so well

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So I never played the 2nd one because I was not interested in playing a single player experience. Was the story truly "lol your companions are dead time to get revenge"?

How the fuck do I get a combo on the biker bitches? They never seem to flinch, and they always spawn in groups of 4-5.

Is this game worth it as a newcomer to these type of games?

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>donovan bitch punch
fucking faggots I hate them so much holy shit

>cant rattata signals as they slide