In the apocalyptic world of TLOU2, there exists a functional gym with water bottles and running electricity LMFAAAAAAAAO
In the apocalyptic world of TLOU2, there exists a functional gym with water bottles and running electricity LMFAAAAAAAAO
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In the 1st game their was disparate Military strongholds that had working facilities, so either this is a place they commandeered and are using as a base or the are squatting an abandoned base. Either way it does seem dumb. The 1st game didn't need a sequel.
What's wrong with electricity? It's easy to produce. Water bottles are reusable too.
do they also have whey protein, creatine, multivitamines, test boosters, etc?
My guess is they don't, but they probably do have soγ protein
Looks like a clean new water bottle from a distance, also I don’t think a gym is a priority in a post-apocalyptic world
The cope and seethe for this game is the strongest I've ever seen. And I will be buying it day one
Buy one for me too.
I have zero interest in TLoU and don't even own a Playstation, but couldn't this be a flashback scene or something? If not, I agree it seems far fetched,
Why is it dumb? Seems like itd be more important than ever for people to be in shape
So wait a second, as Joel was murdering the docs (surgeon is supposedly the daddy of this), where the fuck was Abby during that time?
Was he literally lifting weights offsite somewhere? How old is she even?
>ahahah I'll buy a shit game! That'll show ya!
Clever girl.
Didn't you play the first game OP?
being fit is top priority when survival is all that matters so a gym is a great idea. food doesn't seem to be THAT much of an issues in SOME of the larger settlements. i'm sure a lot of people would slim down but looking at a guy like bill there seems to still be fatties here and there.
>25 years after the apocalypse
>Large sections of territory in the USA are still infested with zombies
>These haven't been cleared out
>The zombies are still around moving and not dead / rotted
>But it's ok, we have confirmation surgeries, HRT and a weight gym
It's not actually a tranny though and
Can somebody post pic raleted but with TLOU 2 change?
>being fit is top priority when survival
Not at all. Quit the contrary. The more muscles you get the more in trouble you are.
Look at how military looks.
the world ended 20+ years ago so it's not a pre-outbreak flashback if that is what you mean. some places in tlou do still have working power or at least can be working with some effort put into it. it may be part of the hospital from the 1st game for all we know.
Looks like a plastic flask, reusable bottle. Have you ever been in a fucking gym? I suppose not since you are posting here, but trust me, that doesnt look like a market water bottle.
>all gym equipment vanished after the apocalypse
I dont play this pozzed shit, are there animals in this universe? If there are men could easily bodybuild to certain extent, women definitely cannot.
yea but if someone is a couch potato they need to be able to hike a lot and backpack stuff. being fit helps in killing zombies. i'm not saying mega muscle fit but having a healthy body is a good thing. doubt 250lbs+ dudes who sit on the couch would make good survivalists.
Its not about food or water, its about there being a new water bottle, I would assume factories stopped long ago, I doubt they would use 25 years old water bottle, but they probably wouldn’t have much choice desu
yes, people go out hunting for food
Civilization in last of us was still functioning it was just oppressive and grimy
>All gym equipment are in fine shape after 25+ years of apocalypse
>going to the gym in a collapsed world with barely any wild life, resources, food and drinkable water
So creatine and protein are covered. Thats enough for men to bulk up to boxer/mma level.
that tranny body can never ever be achieved and maintained natty. you need roids to transform such a she-hulk.
so where does the tranny get the TREN/HGH/TEST from?
remember that people in that world can't even find fucking aspirin, which hasn't had its best-before date expired.
also as some other user already pointed out; whey protein, creatine, multivitamines etc. and a diet of 7k calories a day.
this roided she-hulk tranny in a post apocalyptic world is honestly the most ridiculous shit I have ever seen outside of fantasy marvel capeshit comics with dudes in pantyhose costumes shooting spider webs from his ass.
Can't miss leg day bro
if they have all these resources, why the fuck are they attacking a peaceful settlement like tommy's?
i understand the religious fanatic faction will attack everyone, but these people are supposed to be not so evil as to attack a peaceful settlement.
>he hasnt heard of gomad
>Behold, the result of 6 years of 24/7crunch and infinite resources!
Literally looks like a regular ps3 generic tps with better graphics. This shit has no right costing what it costs to make in terms of time and money.
tlou2 just keeps on giving.
Fuck I actually liked tlou mp so it's kinda shitty that I have to buy the SP it's attached to. Literally opposite to how I felt about RE3 remake
rent free
Is that multipalyer?
totally doesn't bother me. they go supply raiding all the time and the fireflies were bringing stuff from all over the country. yes there was extensive looting over the two decades since shit went down to there's always the chance some sealed pallets of stuff get found. think of all the warehouses and homes and markets in america and with the type of operation they were running it makes sense they would have supplies like that. the fireflies and military seem to be the two most well off groups at the end of the world. also by showing this imagery of a normal scene they can split that with the scenes of carnage and violence joel inflicts upon them.