Will the ps5 surpass the ps3 as the biggest flop in video game history?
Will the ps5 surpass the ps3 as the biggest flop in video game history?
>biggest flop in the video game history
Sony invests a lot in Blueray, I hope it will come out this year
Sony almost went bankrupt because of the ps3. They lost billions
sohniggers will lap up anything their master feeds them.
I doubt it, considering many have paid PS+ in advance for atleast 2 yrs, have Apex, FIFA, Fortnite waiting for them probably on DAY ONE and have amassed a catalog of games they willfully wouldn't just dump, so idk. Probably not.
i'm not sure if it will flop, but i definitely do see it stumbling out of the gate,just like the ps3.
If microsoft would actually invest into marketing the xbox and making it more available worldwide then perhqps snoys would shut up for once.
Either way, i'm confident nintendo will continue to btfo sony.
Yes it's confirmed by a bunch of rando leaks from SJW game makers with 1 year old PS5 development kits with tape-out hardware inside.
The PS3 outsold the 360 though
Does not matter when sony lost billions on that thing
Talk about moving the goalposts.
Yea, but it had a really bad start and was not cost effecient, the PS3 was outsold for about 3 consecutive years. It wasn't until God of War III and Gran Turismo 5 that things really turned for it.
So it was a flop in the first few years only?
Yen isn't real money
That's not even moving the goalpost.
You were the one moving the goalpost to sales numbers when those don't even matter much financially
You're fucking retarded
I seriously hope so. after having been a playstation fan for over 20 years their course with the ps4 and onwards has made me despise them.
I hope Microsoft does everything right the upcoming gen and knocks it out the park, so they will buttfuck Sony and its despicable anti-gamers TranStation.
>does not matter
is this what maximum cope looks like?
Actually their gaming department was the only section of the company making a profit at the time.
>makes statements supported by official financial numbers
>posts buzzwords supported by wojak
Yes and no. A console's worth in its life is measured by negation of cost and accumulation of support. The PS4 is the 2nd best selling console because of this, the PS3 had the opposite of this, however, over 37% of the PS3 base was ardent fans who outright refused to give up on it, so developers had no choice but to keep supporting it even thought they didn't want to.
You don't really understand the numbers you post. Sony's losses in the 00s were from their TV branch getting hammered by compeditors.
Maximum cope has been the past month. The spec reveal really did a number on you "people".
>Will the PS5 surpass the PS3 as the biggest flop in gaming history
The PoS5 is already a bigger fuckup.
As long as MS doesn't pull an e3 2013 level of fuck up before November, the PoS5 will cause sony to lose billions, and considering that Sony NEEDS ps5 to prevent bankruptcy due to everything else not selling well, then Sony will hopefully go bankrupt and exit the console market, then where will the snoybois get their shitty interactive movies? I think MS has this generation in the bag right now.
100m+ cope some more you dirty nigger.
Also VAOI got hammered, as did Xperia and Ericcson phones.
you can't make this shit up
Go prove me otherwise if you're so confident I am wrong
You can't
True, but not quite. I doubt people are eager to jump back to Xbox. Either they will stick with Sony to the bitter end or get a PC. The people who dropped Xbox in favor of Sony did so because the 360 was a faulty machine more than anything.
PS3 is nowhere near the "biggest flop in video game history", the only reason it sold poorly in the beginning was because it was too expensive. Switch is a handheld and even when Xbox was at it's biggest practically no one cared about it outside of the US and UK, so PS5 will probably be the best selling next gen console worldwide unless they fuck up the pricing completely again.
more like the greatest comeback in history
Lets not forget Sony Pictures continuously flopping
The ps5 will never be able to outsell the Switch. Nintendo will easily win the gen
If they drop their pos for a PC, then that's the best case scenario since both MS and Snoy are releasing their first party games on PC now. There's zero good reasons to buy a PoS or Xbox for your primary gaming machine when PC is objectively better.
Sony’s financial woes at the time were more due to their failing mobile phone, laptop, and camera divisions.
You are right, the gaming media will just consider the switch to not be a part of the current generation since they're snoy shills
nintendo cant lose becaues they're doing their own thing
I thought they were doing good with new Spiderman and venom movies. They also work with Tarantino.
ps3 still beat the Xbox