Your rarest / proudest Steam, Xbox and PlayStation Trophies / Achievements

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I killed inquisitor klosterhiem.

I dont have any of them cause I am not a virgin

Bloodborne platinum probably.

Killzone 2 Platinum probably, or some of the Gold's for MAG

I had one on 360 for beating a developer in Guitar Hero 3. That was pretty cool.

>Play against a dev!

Platinum trophy in Catherine, but mostly proud about doing those Babel levels
Did them together with a friend who didn't even play the story. We needed about a week or two until we finished them all

It was surprisingly fun to get good at them

I only have two platinums, Bloodborne and Tekken, but my proudest gaming achievement is beating Bloodborne all bosses +DLC on a BL4 character. Unfortunately, there's no trophy for that.

people keep bringing these up, but you get them basically always from the first person you meet because anyone who got the cheevo can give it to others

I already posted this in the other thread, but I just got the Yakuza 0 plat today. Feeling pretty good about that.

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stronk, always missed that 1% online trophy

I guess My Blaster Runs Hot in ACiT, it's not much but it was honest work


Yakuza 0 is pretty grindy, some of those climax battles are straight up unfair like majimas random style switching and no hit battle with kiryu

Have sex

congratulations! i've been thinking at taking a crack at that one since i have nothing better to do at the moment, but i suck at minigames so i fear it'll take me ages.

>kh3d platinum
you madman, user. i could never bring myself to play that game through to full completion.

When you give that much info there's no point hiding your username mr. Snake_1302

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Overwatch plat but rarity is probably from people smurfing. Proudest would be Monster Hunter or maybe even Destiny since I had to do flawless raider solo.

the Sekiro Platinum
getting every Halo 3 mutiplayer achievement
both Mile High Club achievements

I want all FromSoft plats. Took my like 5 fucking years to get Dark Souls 2 for PS4. Fuck that “beat the game 5 times” shit. I hated that about the Kingdom Hearts HD collection for the PS3. Couldn’t finish it because of that shit

Dead space 2


Madman, I tried it and it nearly killed me.

>some of those climax battles are straight up unfair like majimas random style switching and no hit battle with kiryu
I beat that one first try actually. I had no idea people had trouble with that one until afterwards. I guess I just got really good RNG.
I got stuck on Ultimate Battle 2 for a few hours though, fuck Sera.

I do. My gf likes story heavy games like Yakuza, she watched me play a lot of it. I had her grind out some of the cat fight tournaments since she liked the girls outfits so much.

DDD wasn't nearly as bad as ReCoM. I had to get drunk to make the last 40 levels of grinding Riku to 99 more tolerable.

user pls

Nothing I’ve done since comes close.

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there's no way in hell 31.55% of people have the assassin's creed brotherhood platinum

10,000 kills on resistance 2 and the resulting platinum. That was some bullshit grind.

I got the platinums for the first three Ratchet and Clank games and I didn't do any glitches.

PSNprofile percentages /= actual PSN percentages

If you hover over a specific trophy you'll get the percentage based off of everyone who's ever played the game. Otherwise, you're only getting percentages based on people who use the site.

That’s people who’ve registered to the site, not people who bought the game.

That image probably shows % of people who are in the psnprofiles site, rather than the official PSN percentage.
There's an option to switch between the two in the profile page.

>Bloodborne plat + 100%
>Furi plat
>MGS2 plat

Also the Mass Effect 2 and 3 plats, I guess?

even then
the ps3 version only has 3,89%

Your right hand doesn't count as your girl friend user

Jokes on you, I use my left.

I cheesed sera with the circle slugger attack, chipping away at his health

Based. Me too

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But you do realize that psnprofile users are mostly trophy hunters right? it makes sense for them to be a much higher percertage

I tried that but I couldn't get it to work consistently. He'd still randomly leg sweep me every now and then. I had to resort to dodging him in Thug mode to build up heat to a full bar, then switch to Slugger mode and use the standing heat action. If you stand completely still he slowly walks up to you without attacking, so it's pretty safe.
I found him way harder in 0 than in Kiwami's Climax Battle. In Kiwami I discovered an exploit to beat him easy in rush mode, I even uploaded a video on youtube to help anyone else who stumbles upon it.

I beat The Challenge in The Witness.

PS3 version is much more difficult to platinum since it had about a dozen or so multiplayer trophies. I don't think the servers for Brotherhood are even up anymore. The PS4 version gutted out the multiplayer mode, making it much easier.

I mean that it's 3,89% rare on the PSNprofiles site

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ah ok that explains it
does this also apply to the newer AC games? because I fucking hate online trophies

>bragging about not playing videogames enough on a videogame board
You know you could have not entered this thread right, retard?

I wouldn't know. I've only played 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations so far. The PS4 versions of Brotherhood and Revelations have no multiplayer though, so you can play those whenever.

Probably dark souls 3 platinum just because I hated farming the covenant items

Too bad people figured out a way to cheese it by putting the console in rest mode so it lost all merit
But I did it without the cheese too, I felt proud

I know nothing about this game. Story?

The challenge in The Witness is a series of randomized puzzles you have to complete in a limited amount of time. It's pretty nerve wracking.

That was patched by the way, I only did it last year (and it had already been patched).

It's a puzzle game, a really really hard one. For every single puzzle in the game, you can just look up the solution on YouTube, except for the secret "Challenge", which you get a gold trophy for beating.
It gives you a time limit and a lot of randomly generated puzzles, so you can forget YouTube, you actually need to use everything you have learned until that point. Extremely difficult.

Also, play The Witness, but go in COMPLETELY blind, superb game.