is elon /ourguy/
Is elon /ourguy/
>Twitter eceleb
Fuck off
I don't get it.
>Wants the lockdown to end today
>Is Reddit's favorite e celeb because of the pewdiepie memes
Hellllllll no.
He’s a struggling billionaire who thinks robots will actually get smart enough to destroy humans. Tesla has been losing money since the beginning. He wants to commercialize space for some reason
>is elon /ourguy/
Oh yes, most certainly
>He’s a struggling billionaire
>not taking this opportunity to tie him to that shitty e-celeb that was going around saying nigger a while back that used a deus ex pfp
man Yas Forums you've really turned to shit.
didn't he hire someone to "meme" up his twitter? he's pretty fucking gay if that's the case
>He’s a struggling billionaire
Post discarded.
He doesn’t care, he knows that he can pretend to be “le whacky science” CEO and pander to reddit so brain dead normies and investors give him money in return for subpar products while he’s laughing in his million dollar mansion
Elon is the Howard Hughes of the 21st Century
Lmao why the fuck would he pay someone to change his profile and header pic
Not until he delivers on the catgirls for domestic ownership.
Probably end up being hijacked by the military complex.
I can see him having his 70 hour weeks because he spends half of them on /m/.
This e-celeb's girlfriend is fucking disgusting.
>Why contain it? Let it spill over the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end they'll beg us to save them.
Elon Musk is Bob Page irl and he is even aware of it, change my mind
>that webm metadata
Not yet but I hope one day he is.
>shitty e-celeb that was going around saying nigger a while back that used a deus ex pfp
didn’t he get exposed for being a Yas Forumstard who go bullied off of Yas Forums so he went to become a “YouTube troll”
Are you just seething because someone's getting paid by a billionaire to post memes and you're doing it 'for free'?
>autistic retard
definitely /ourguy/
No, i beat the shit out of kids like him in high school. Hes living out the high school life he never had except its on twitter. Hes cringe
>Sees humanity's future among the stars.
>Realizes at least half of humanity today is so backwards that they would rather we stay in the mud until our extinction.
>Encourages the spread of a new viral contagion by appealing to the retard crowd and their "freedom" chants.
>Gets potentially a few million retards and their elderly parents killed
>Enough retards die to finally allow some forward thinking government policies to make it through.
He might be a retard, or a supervillain/hero.
he's made some tweets that seem like a "trendy" marketing person made them as well. i don't think his twitter is genuine at all. i'd rather he just be a rocketry autist who doesn't know what a joint is
t.skinny feminist commiecel
he's definitely reddit's guy so yes
Yet you are the irrelevant poor fag who's sperging out on a fucking video game board lmfao
>elon musk
no it's just kind of stupid.
Wow you are so cool
Bill Gates is definitely real life Bob Page, so the role of super villain is already taken
>Tesla has been losing money
Tesla's business model isn't product sales, it's R&D investment and prototyping, you retarded fucking idiot. They appeal to investors and other companies investing for them to do what others refuse to before someone else tests it.
Also 10 years has passed since the last time you said Tesla is losing money and I see you pushed the meme from struggling millionaire to struggling billionaire instead.
I'm picturing you saying the same thing in a rocking chair as a wrinkled dustbag you brainlet.
all celebrities have a social media manager that tells them what to do