Be me

>be me
>age 11
>this shit gets released for the 360
>was a big re4 fan
>played this and knew I didn't like it the first hour
>playing on tiny little crt
>game looked like dogshit
>couldn't see sheva's butt
>couldn't read shit because text was so small

Fast foward to 2020
>get the steam version
>144 hz monitor
>absolutely buttery smooth 60+ FPS (OG was 30)
>controls are much better than I remember
>sheva has a thicc ebony booty
Still not as good as the other Resident Evil games that came before or after it but it's not so bad after all!

Attached: Resident-Evil-5.jpg (1920x1080, 335.13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

- Because RE5 is good co-op game.
- Also they designed the game in order to play chapters separately. Which might sound like a good idea.
- All 3 battles with Wesker (7 minutes, on some platform, in volcano) are corny as fuck yet I enjoyed the shit out of them. Especially when you will figure out the whole melee / qte sequence.
- Because

>11 at 2009

Fuck off retarded child

RE5 was a good game
It might not be a good RE game but taken by itself its enjoyable as fuck

For me it was Dead Rising but it became one of my favorite games of all time once I got gud. I wish R3make wasn't rushed because it could have been so good.

Attached: Dead_rising_willamette_mall_entrance_facade.jpg (220x220, 14.65K)

Why are all PC gaymers on this board underage

20 isn't underage you dumb nigger

I was 8 back then

>be me
>age 11

Attached: 1570951543310.jpg (750x745, 74.55K)

I want to coom inside and on Sheva so I can paint a brown house with pink shutters into a brown house with pink shutters and a white door.

Attached: 1571770290348.webm (640x800, 772.83K)

>USA weeb site
>English language based
>20 isn't considered underage
Apply yourself, user

people who unironically call somebody a child for being just over 18 are probably the underaged ones here

>19 y/o shitter
I have no respect for anybody born in the 2000s. I hardly have respect for people born in the late 90s.

dude is 22 years old

Almost no one born after 2000 deserves respects, the worst fucking generation known to man and only will get worse.

Yeah and he just stopped drinking the titty milk. What's your point?


he's by legal definition not underage
but if you want to be arbitrary; anyone who browses this shithole for retards should be considered underage

I like the new engine and all but I don't like that they make them slightly off looking. Wish Jesse from Dead Rising had more porn

Attached: 1572009465998m.jpg (819x1024, 85.29K)

Sause doe

You are a generation of people afraid to say Faggot, and deserve no respect.

The mature 25+

Im really glad the pc port was good, it really held up far better than I had expected it to replaying it

this mindset reminds me of what an underage person would think

this mindset reminds me of what an underage person would thin

Fucking 95-00 kids should be autobanned

You sound like you were born in the 2000s

>OP trying to talk about video games
>redditors spazzing out and crying about their e-peen

this mindset reminds me of what a redittor would think

OP was trying to talk about a shit game which isn’t actually OK.

the game is objectively not shit

this should not be legal!

RE5 is the best RE among 4, 5 and 6 though

It kicked off the period of shitty RE games.

>broo games that followed were shit so this game is shit!
is terminator 2 a shit movie? is star wars?

2nd best game in the series. Only falls behind the original REmake.

Attached: Chris Redfield.gif (500x316, 2.34M)