In game maps are shit.
Bring back videogame cartography.
In game maps are shit
this is dope af OP I'm going to go root around until I find some graph paper.
Looks like shit. If this was an actual level in a game I would make a thread on Yas Forums complaining and making fun of it for being too linear or repetitive.
Metroid Prime was the last in-game map that was useful.
What game is this?
You can't make games like this anymore because instead of people sharing what they find they'll just go to the first video they find on youtube to do it for them.
Why don't more games have an in game cartography system like Etrian odyssey?
Fuck maps just give me a waypoint marker
The problem is game maps aren't designed like that anymore. Legend of grimrock is the only recent example and that was an homage to older dungeon crawlers.
old dungeon crawlers are peak soul.