In game maps are shit

In game maps are shit.
Bring back videogame cartography.

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this is dope af OP I'm going to go root around until I find some graph paper.

Looks like shit. If this was an actual level in a game I would make a thread on Yas Forums complaining and making fun of it for being too linear or repetitive.

Metroid Prime was the last in-game map that was useful.

What game is this?

You can't make games like this anymore because instead of people sharing what they find they'll just go to the first video they find on youtube to do it for them.

Why don't more games have an in game cartography system like Etrian odyssey?

Fuck maps just give me a waypoint marker

The problem is game maps aren't designed like that anymore. Legend of grimrock is the only recent example and that was an homage to older dungeon crawlers.

old dungeon crawlers are peak soul.

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Exanima doesn't have any in-game map and levels are fucking huge and can get you lost easily. I didn't have enough autism in me but I felt like it's a perfect game to chart the map. What I did though was collecting distinct rubbish like chess pieces and placing them on forks I've already cleared.

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What is the fucking point if games are getting more and more linear and you almost always have magic arrow to point you in the intended direction so you know where not to go?

Because it's almost impossible to do an ingame cartogrpahy system in an intuitive way without a stylus?

draw the maps in EO is fun as fuck. tell me more games like this

Extremely generalized version of map in rain world

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ADHD zoomers make for better customers than some map scribbling autists

Ironically, open world, the exact opposite of "linear" is actually the most repetitive and sterile design.

Good idea, just did it with a modern dungeon I just finished crawling!

You'll never guess what game! :)

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Although you can't draw maps in them, Picdun is an overlooked dungeon crawler where the dungeons actually look like pictures and you have to map them out, Picross style. It's not a remarkably good game, but it's interesting for that gimmick alone.

>Magic Dispel + Deep Tile
>Your party just dies because none of them can levitate without spell
This evil shit needs to go

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Play Exanima, by the time you find the map you already explored most of it.

>hehe you should remove maps from game to appease the 1% of autistic players who actually want to draw maps

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You can tell this map was made exclusively for the purpose of taking that picture because "Not explored yet ->" was written, AKA knowing it'll never get explored because they're not actually playing a videogame

it's all fake shit, nothing's real anymore

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Oh shit, it's Skyrim!

I agree. Interactive, in-game maps are fucking cancer. Either remove them altogether or make them just static maps of a general geographic area, no waypoints or anything. It forces developers to make their worlds more interesting too because you need landmarks to navigate.

You dont know what generalized means, user

This. They put a lot of pressure with a pencil, which means if the room goes down it'll be a bitch to erase.

can someone with an architecture degree work in level/map design for vidya?

Only if they don't go full autist on things like structural load.

I don't think their expertise would transfer to more fun and engaging level design.

It's closer to interior design.
IIRC Red Faction Guerilla had to hire actual architects because their physics engine kept making their buildings fall over by themselves.

Yeah there’s too many doors and hallways it’s so linear!

Tbh there’s hallways or there’s open world and some jaded cunt is gonna screech about it and not realize there’s no middle ground.