Monster Hunter

>japs want non canon anime jet plane dragon in iceborne
What went so wrong, fellow monster hunters?

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Japan has great taste again like usual.
Also all MH games are canon.

Spinoffs never were canon

i cant help but feel khezu is kinda qt

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World really needs more monsters like rajanag
>fun as fuck to fight
>strong but not ED
>decent gear
>t3 so can be hunted for decos

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report the thread and send brack this trannie to /mhg/


On what ground?

Too weak for master rank endgame monster

Now that World was confirmed as a huge success what kind of changes do you expect them to make in sequel?
Considering that they weren't sure that World will sell that well

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>he remade the thread again
fun fight > all else

>enabling /mhg/ shitposter nigger
just ignore the degenerate

Remove the bloody clutch claw and the mantles. Add more close ranged weapons.
Thats it really

Handler as main stay
Forced plot with stakes being raised

Give me bubbledragon, i want to be the pretty weeb bridesmaid again

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Great theme, great fight and cool as fuck armour, what's not to love user?

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I'd prefer plot of the "Steaks being braised" variety

Yes they are.

He doesn't fit seies

Kill yourself

Add a new ranged weapon.


Anyways guys, what sort of new weapon do you think they could put into a MH game? I remember an user saying a couple threads ago that we didn't really have a proper spear--we have lance and gunlance, but those have shields, and insect glaive is something else, but no two-handed spear. How'd you make a weapon like that work?

I think he's fine as an outlier, some of the newer additions in world were pretty boring whilst fitting the series, i'd say one crazy monster design every so often is good variety.

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Not really
MH series always prided itself with well explained and realistic monsters

>game is called world
>setting in it is called "New World"
>A lot of NPCs are talking about how they want to visit Old World
>Handler is talking how she wants to continue studying the New World
they are definitely dropping her in next game.

I'm hoping the palico becomes something you opt into having again. I realize I can disable him on quests but I would rather not have him follow me around everywhere at all.

Not an MH person honestly but it sounds like a series where canon would matter the least.

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I think he works well since hes basically a more aggressive kirin which is amusing given he hunts them, and is similar in size

I feel like there's really not much room for a shieldless spear. IG is not a spear, sure, but comes damn close to one nonetheless.
> what sort of new weapon do you think they could put into a MH game?
A dual wielded rapid ranged weapon. Make it be the equivalent of the DB but for gunners.
Could be something like dual crossbows that use coatings like bows, but can reuse each coating vial several times due to firing normal-sized bolts instead of umbrellas.

Post your huntress!

Hopefully better original monsters.

>xenojiva is a cool alien dragon
>it's jsut another generic dragon in iceborn when it's an adult
I wanted some Ayys

In what sense he's basically a Kirin? what the fuck

Velkhana is handsome.

Original monsters are great what are you talking about

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>How'd you make a weapon like that work?
Make it more like a harpoon/javelin. That way, you can integrate throwing it into its moveset. I feel like it's the best way to avoid overlap with Glaive and both Lances.

>people want to have fun when playing video games

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small, close range monsters with electric projectiles

Maybe a poor choice in words in basicly, but "similar" anyways

Your image has a total of two original monsters that satisfy both in visual design and fight.

not even close, Rajang is cool because there are no other monsters like him in world.

Who cares, World sucks and the series might as well be dead.

Actually, I was just thinking of that myself. Like a spear blaster/blastpike that has a cooldown-based attack like a gunlance--when it's ready, you can aim like a ranged weapon, then fire to launch the spearhead at a monster, which embeds itself for a few minutes then explodes in a huge explosion. While the cooldown is on, the melee attacks would be very wide sweeps and jabs designed to keep you far away from the enemy, with longer reach than the lances.

that's just your shit taste is talking

Please, share the monsters in that image that do both of those things I mentioned. If you say Namielle (great design, terrible fight) then I'll immediately know to throw your opinion out the window.