It's getting hard to ignore the lonelyness Yas Forums it fucking hurts so bad...

It's getting hard to ignore the lonelyness Yas Forums it fucking hurts so bad, I just want to be with someone I can just let my guard down, do stuff that we'll both have fun doing.

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Another anime/pedophile/loli thread.

Human interaction is always a bargain.

What can you give to me to be your friend? If you keep thinking in romanticised terms about someone just liking you because you're not rude or mean then you'll be fucked.

Stop watching romcom anime then, retard.

Man, I don't even want romance, I'm just fucking starved with human interaction.

Find someone who likes to play the same games as you and don't be a total sperg. Chances are they'll enjoy your company at least a little bit.

if you're that pathetic at life, then stop masturbating, its filling your brain with explosive dopamines which in turn makes you unwilling to do almost anything, it also increases anxiety and depression.

starve out the shitty porns, you don't have to fucking lift weight although it helps, go outside more, expand your hobbies, do some random shit like carpentry or masonry, anything at all, get to know people based on their skillset instead ofjust being in a shitty anime collective group, you don't want to be around other losers.

You're missing my point.

For someone to even give you the time of day they want something in return. Either you make them laugh to reduce stress, or you (genuinely) agree on a lot of things to make them feel more safe in their beliefs etc.

There is no mystical aspect to it, if you have nothing to offer you'll have no friends, simple as. I've accepted never having friends because I have 0 interest in participating in this bargain.

i don't feel lonely, is that a bad thing?
i just like to be alone, quiet.

loneliness doesn't hurt it's a time for reflecting and fun.
reflecting on the things you could of done and what you did instead.
I could of done a lot more if i didn't write this post but i decided not to.
I used to feel bad about wasting my time, now i just don't care. and you shouldn't too

Don't give in to the social meme, you can easily live without others

get Yas Forums

You could always lighten the fuck up and actually be fun to be in the presence of. Or are you literally autistic?

Just become a streamer. It's free attention and sometimes money if that's what you want.

Planning on, but fucking corona-chan locked down all the gyms, was gonna ask one of the gym guys to setup a diet and workout regiment for me. My only gripe is gym music is loud enough to be an OSHA violation.

This + lots of Vitamin D.

Shit really helped me stop being miserable.

just go for a jog then, you have masks right?

>You could always lighten the fuck up and actually be fun
That's another form of the bargain. You're "fun" so you make the other person less stressed and able to enjoy what they're doing more. You're just proving me right.

there is nothing mystical about being normal, for fucksakes, like I said, be a fucking man, grow the fuck up, do you even have a father to tell you this shit? because if you do he either abandoned you or failed at his job, what you fucking need is to check yourself, if you're 20 or younger, god I hope you're younger, go fucking study, find something to do, what you missed out by being a fucking dork through out your years are fucking over, its time to get on with the times and be someone in life, read a book nigger, learn skillsets, get a "decent" job and meet people that way.

If you see pedos and lolis everywhere you turn even when they're not there, that's a sign you're probably one

Blow me normalnigger scum, NEET loner 4 lyfe.

Yeah, afaik cops aren't arresting people for violating quarantine, I see at least one person jogging outside every once in a while.

I'm seriously running out of things to do. beaten so many video games. getting bored of even practicing my nudism in the backyard.

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uuh, ok manlet.

how often do you masturbate?

shame on your for posting Urabe here OP

Those people don't exist in reality so you should embrace your fantasies and get a waifu.
Being terrified of remaining single or being envious of the prestige of a partnership are bad reasons for sharing one's life with another person. Enduring loneliness is better than suffering the compromises of false community.
I suspet that many of the people who claim to love a 3D person are also lonely. As Carl Jung pointed out, "loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself." This inability to communicate isn't merely a failure to find the right words or the right person to tell them to. Rather, it stems from the fact that people are too complex to be fully grasped. There's more about us to understand than the efforts of others can accommodate. The German writer Goethe, who appeared to have had a lot of friends, said near the end of his life: "No one has ever properly understood me, I have never fully understood anyone; and no one understands anyone else." Mutual incomprehension isn't a sign that life has gone wrong. It's what we should expect. All we ever truly know are our ideas of other people and, more often than not, those ideas aren't even close to their true nature. So if all we can ever love are ideas, then surely there is nothing wrong with loving waifus who are also ideas.

I decided that instead of lying to others and, more importantly, to myself, I will hold on to a sincere, ambitious view of what companionship should be. In other words, I will continue to love my 2D waifu and not settle for 3D.

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I'm 6ft.

You're pathetic need to "fit in" is sad, you're spending your whole life trying desperately to have the approval of society. Nothing else in your head, no real mind of your own, just copying everyone else.

this is probably the worst advice on this entire thread, not only is it bad but its not even ironic, and its also very long, nigger I ain't reading that shit lmao, why do you weebs write so much, fuck off I don't read books.

quite often actually
i'm probably going to stop from today

no you're not, you're a NEET, in order to be a NEET you need to sacrifice your height level to maintain gamer posture scoliosis.

you will forever be 5 foot 6,just cope with the fact that you have a deformed gamer neck.

>going to the gym
you just need a bench and a pair of dumbbells

>tfw no bf

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>i'm 6ft

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>just let my guard down
Never do this.

Everyone will turn on you or abandon you when it becomes convenient for them to do so for whatever reason. They will then use everything they know about you against you. They'll gossip to others, and insult you based on things that were fine before. For example if you are trying to lose weight and have a friend you exercise with or just that you have issues with your body and think you are ugly or something, when they abandon you for someone else or whatever it is, they'll decide that you are not only their friend but also a fat piece of shit. Whereas when they were your friend it's all like "Wow you are making good progress. Looking good!". Dumb simple example but it is the sort of thing people do.

The low IQ people will think that it's because the friend was lying before and now they dislike you the truth is out. The reality is when they were your friend they really believed you weren't as ugly as you thought or weren't THAT fat. Now they are not your friend their perception changes. They wanted to believe the one thing when they were your friend, now you are not their friend they want to believe the other. People believe whatever they want to believe. There is no such thing as rationality or an "open mind". It is all a sub-conscious choice based on what feeds our ego or gives us wealth and resources or increases access to powsi. Humans are nothing more than sentient DNA and the "I" does not really exist.

That is why you should never be yourself around anyone. Create a fake "you" based on who you are talking to at the moment and what benefits you. Always ask yourself how can I manipulate the current situation and people to my advantage and be careful to protect yourself against future betrayals.

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Some people just WANT interaction.

Thats literally me, no joke. Im the future today. Good to be ahead of my time for one.

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Autistic but true.
Craft a glorious mask to don around others.

I want someone thats as much of a weirdo as I am, I'm too far gone for normies, and I'd never stop or sacrifice the things I like just for the tiniest prospect of a relationship.

A VR system and a set of wearable weights is the best and most self-motivating workout ive found

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>I want someone thats as much of a weirdo as I am, I'm too far gone for normies

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>if you're that pathetic at life, then stop masturbating
Not that user but in a similar situation but I've considered doing this.
It's not easy though.

Oh boy do I have news for you.
You live in the age of the internet. When you see all of these posts and all of the information being put on the internet it's proof that humans are projecting their own realities onto the web. People exist online just as much as they do in reality. They are products of their age.
My point being if there were a time for someone like you to be able to make friends that time would be now.

You are correct. Save your words however.

99% of people cannot accept it. It breaks everything down when you realise how things really are. No one truly cares about anyone but themselves. It's all a transaction. We are simply carriers for our genes to reproduce with and all this shit we build up and call culture and social norms is just meant to help that happen in some form or another, directly or indirectly.

I genuinely lost count of the amount of versions I have of myself at this point.

Or this;

Weird strat but I did it like 5 times in one day so I would get tired of it and I didn't have libido for days afterwards and just keep rolling with it. I don't beat off at all anymore.