What am I in for? I just beat the first one and I absolutely loved it.
What am I in for? I just beat the first one and I absolutely loved it
a rollercoaster of disappointment and some highpoints, but mostly the former
6/10 base game, 7 to 8/10 dlc
A king's field game, not a dark souls one.
Lots of DS2 haters here but I liked it. First one still the classic tho
A solid game, but different from DS1 in a lot of ways. I suggest looking up what the Adaptability stat does at the very least.
BB > DeS > DS1 > DS2 > Sekiro > DS3
The armor shown is a scam, looks horribly on you and it's not even that good
Never understood how that shit worked. I guess you travel into the warp between levels or something
I beat the first one and loved it, then I skipped 2 because I'd heard it was bad.
After beating dark souls 3 I decided to give 2 a try and I admit it was pretty rough to get used to at first, the movement and combat feels sliglhtly off initially, and fights must be approached much more carefully than the other games.
But the more I played it I learned to love it as well, it's got its quirks and frustrations but it's defintely worth it if you're willing to adapt your playstyle.
a very good game, have fun
90% of bosses just involve circle-strafing and punishing.
2 is fucking terrible on a first playthrough, especially on SotFS. Gank squads everywhere, even in the early areas where you aren't likely to be able to handle them. Confusing story and direction on where you're supposed to go. Frustrating as FUCK areas that are a pain to get through (iron keep Iron Keep IRON KEEP). NPC plotlines you might not do correctly because summoning for bosses is for wimps or you pulled a lever you shouldn't have.
But it's fun on replays, because you know what to expect and can properly adjust for those challenges.
best souls 2. have fun
Have you ever played a shitty feeling floaty movement Korean mmo?
Everything getting 10 time slower than it needs to be (even the speed you need to drink estus based on agility stat) and a lot of bad and souless bosses and areas.
On a side note, same old bait
Combat where everyone is made of straw and swinging weightless swords at each other, except sometimes they pretend that their weapons have weight to throw you off and do more damage.
There's no poise, all the weapons feel the same, enemies have nonsensical attack patterns with no rhythm to them, every enemy is faster than you, shields are shit, armor doesn't matter, combat boils down to memorizing those nonsensical attack patterns and "wait/roll until the enemy is done attacking and then counterattack" for everything from bosses to other players.
It's a game made to shit on people who like Dark Souls.
>What am I in for?
A massive fucking disappointment.
Oh wait, sorry, that's DS3.
You're in for a rushed attempt at a Souls game with some simple but fatal mechanical flaws which ultimately make you just wish you were playing the first one.
Way better level variety than DS2 but also unpolished in some areas. Lots of memorable and complex encounters that are either fun to figure out and overcome or frustrating depending on your mindset.
Haven't you seen gameplay for it? It looks like ass. And i don't just mean the graphics, just the art/creative direction. Some bosses look straight out of a blizzard game.
I mean, look at this crap. How can you go from the crude, weird shit in the previous games to this? It looks straight out of a 12 year old school notebook.
Your experience with 2 will depend on what you liked about the original.
2 shits the bed completely on world design, character design, etc. It's also floaty as hell, animations look awful.
You'll like it if you enjoy pvp, Diablo, and MMO's
just skip to ds3
Always felt like ds2s map design was made for a level select menu but they ended up connecting them with tunnels.
just cheese every boss with lightning spear, you'll be aight
Be prepared to have a perpetual feeling of "why does this feel so weird"
The game was under a strained development cycle, and not made by the same director as the other soulsborne games because he was busy making bloodborne. Because of this, the design philosophy he had with DeS and DS1 was thrown out the window, leading to a deep misunderstanding with what people liked about souls games, on top of the team not having enough time to fully complete the game. This led to them making a lot of bad level design choices that were only there for the sake of killing the players as much as possible. The levels are also more linear and don't intertwine with each other, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but they even manage to fuck that up. Pic related
The strained development also led to the game feeling incomplete. The game suffered from bad hitboxes, search ds2 hitboxes on youtube. The controls were pretty stiff too, your character only moves in 8 directions, and this can really fuck you up when going through levels with bottomless pits. The armors and weapons don't have the proper sound effects to match them, making them feel extremely weightless. DS2, despite having highest boss count in the series, has little variety. The bosses are almost all guys in armor, which are fought by circling them, hit twice, wait for the attack animation, repeat. The textures also look like shit, imagine a worse twilight princess and you have DS2.
There's also some just bad design choice like ADP, which increases the invincibility you have on your starting roll and decreases animation frames on multiple things. This wouldn't be so bad if starting invincibility for rolls and animation frames were kept the same, but they were altered to make them worse than they were DS1, making the game feel even worse to control.
Way more shit I can go into but yeah, shit game, skip to DS3 or Bloodborne. Try sekiro out too, it's good even if it doesn't play like souls game
Mocapping the animation also accounts for the weightless feel
A bit more frustration. It's still a good game, you'll just have to deal with more enemy cheese & spam.
It's significantly easier than the first one, but good luck trying to solo the DLC bosses lol
remember to turn lock on off when fighting groups of enemies, if you don't you'll become an anti 2 seether
Yeah, the initial areas are harder than the initial areas in DS1... manly due to that "gank squad" action.