Why women suck at games?

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big milky tits prevent them from gripping the controller comfortably

Vast majority of them only do it because of easy male attention. The few actual gamer girls there are only got into it because they have a brother who likes games. Even when women genuinely enjoy something, they seldom get great at them because the world is less likely to reward them for success and a million times less likely to punish them for failure.

No videogames in kitchen

because their mating strategy is to get commitment from the man who is best at games. they don't actually need to play games themselves

What would you know about women? You probably never gotten laid before.

why are you interested in where my dick has been, user?

retard alert
it is literally impossible to not get laid with the slightest effort

>you don't know women unless your dick has been inside them

Their brain works diffirently.
It's like they often cant juggle controls and what is gappening on screen. That's why majority of "gaymer Girls" like something slow and casual if they like games at all. And that Is why a big portion of women cant drive for shit. It's like they are driving in their own vacuum, not feeling the trafic, the speed, their own car, often fuck up gears and pedals etc.

not trying to be edgy but can u name some? cant really recall any girl speedrunners let alone them being the best.

trannies arent women

Sure, buddy. Whatever you need to believe.

Only one I know is Beuchiism.

Attached: female brains.jpg (1334x694, 529.71K)

nu4chan larps as chads while whining that women don't like betas.

Because they can't use sex appeal to beat them


I actually prefer older women because their soles get more wrinkled as they age.

Men and women are biologically different. Men's brains are better at spatial recognition and predicting moving objects whereas women's brains are more suited to discerning colors and textures.
The female brain has evolved to

SO happy I made the right call



The honest reason is very simple: they're too self-conscious.

Most women spend their lives thinking almost exclusively about what others think about their social status. That's how they've evolved over thousands of years.

regardless of this, women have roughly the same IQ as men on average
so effectively as far as we can tell they are just as intelligent, and effectively is the only thing that interacts with the world


ahhhh I want to fuck a Latina

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I can't

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3 point lower IQs and narrower distribution. female geniuses practically don't exist

They honestly don't have the will or desire to win. If they lose it's no big deal and they just try again or give up. I beared witness to this in gym class when the girls were up to bat they didn't put all their force into their swings.

Men love to hunt and to be competitive. Especially when it results in humiliating the opponent.

>women have roughly the same IQ as men on average
they have less distribution

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while correct, all this really means is that more women are "average"
meaning if I placed a random "stupid" person in front of you, they'd most likely be male
while this does also mean that geniuses tend not to be women, for the vast majority of human interactions it doesn't effectively mean anything particularly derogatory

IQ is not an accurate measure of intelligence. It was literally made up by racists to make it seem like their racism was scientifically backed.

you okay, buddy? you seem upset.