You now remember that it was good

you now remember that it was good

Attached: cover.png (2000x2299, 3.53M)

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but it was shit

Nope, sorry.

Compared to DA2. Maybe, although DAI had its own set of problems. Game was lucky Witcher 3 got delayed by a year, though. Had it actually been a real neck to neck race DAI would've been forgotten in a month.

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It was good for a playthrough, but it has 0% replay ability. I played it on launch and wanted to play it again a month ago but I realized I remember every single detail

I like it but I wouldn't say it's "good".

What part of it?
Nope, extremely limited skill selection making the overall gameplay be a waiting game with little strategic involvement
See story, all the characters are either retarded, unlikable or both. The only exception was the dwarf scout but shes barely a character.
Not even in a "so bad it's good" sense, no. It's just so bad it's not just bad or hilarious, it's just so fucking bad.
Don't get me started, it was garbage.

So user, do tell me, what part of the game was tolerable, let alone good?

It was that memorable, huh?

Installing right now.

Feels a little more complete with the DLC I didn't like the original cliff-hanger end

>against Witcher 3
>a month
I'd be surprised if anyone remembers it after 3 days.

Dragon Age inquisition is the ultimate released in the right time game. 2014 was the ultimate dry year for games released as most next gen games were delayed or not ready. The game itself aged like milk with its mmo Tier side quests and pretty bland open world design.

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>Don't get me started, it was garbage.
wrong, this was great as fuck

It was shit.

the game was just as much of a joke as da2
>when they spontaneously all break out into a sing along

it is only okay when japan does it right?

They took all the criticism regarding DAII and andressed them very well and fucked up everything else and turned DA into single player mmo, with shit story, shit characters, Tumblr tier writing and filled the maps full of the same open world "minigames" and shit. I genuinely think it's overall worse than DAII, at least that game was still dragon age, maybe little bit inbred with anime or something, but still DA.

DA2 was much better than this piece of crap, at least the combat there was serviceable.

I liked 2 more

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JRPGs are even worse

it was fucking garbage lol

fuck off faggot

i don't remember it at all since i haven't bought a bioware game since da2

DA2 was a good too.

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>than DAII
This. The reason why I liked DAII even if it was fucked up so much was the story. Finally we were playing a literally noone, minding our own shit.
I am sick and tired of fantasy games where you are the fucking choooooosen one and the fate of the world rests in your hand

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It was fine, pretty disappointing to realize in a second play through that your choices don't matter and no matter what you'll be railroaded into being essentially the same character by the end.

I like the companions but this game took everything that made interactions in the first two games fun and ruined them. They aren't characters if I'll unlock their special cutscene regardless of who I am or how I act.

If I wanted to watch timers before playing the real content I'd play a free mobile game

Decent at best.

Fuck off. The game's soundtrack was pretty nice aside from that musical of course. Blindly hating on every part of the game just makes you look like a complete idiot

Accusing me of blindly hating something because you have shit taste is what makes you look like a complete idiot user. More than the soundtrack itself being extremely forgettable the music itself was also just broken and music would rarely actually be playing while exploring because of it.

Fuck off fanboy fuckwit.


>the music itself was also just broken and music would rarely actually be playing while exploring because of it.
Party banter too, and they couldn't fix it even with a year of patches. Very pathetic

Music just wasn't meant to be played endlessly while exploring you dumb fuck, nothing broken about it.
This is objectively good game music