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Shit posted wrong pic

Is this a software engineering calculation that depicts songs inability to run its next gen games?

2020 and people still work calculations manually. Imagine being at work and having to do this every 5 minutes, it's too time consuming

Looks like Korean

Don't do this it makes mustard gas

Then delete the thread. You're just showing off your homework at this point

I literally can’t think of a single thing more arbitrary and useless than needlessly advanced mathematics. I genuinely fucking mean it.

you can't delete threads on Yas Forums dumbass
look at him
look at him and laugh

>I literally can't think
that sums it up

How do you delete a thread

Delete the image then

Bet the PS5 can't compute whatever that stuff is

fuck off phoneposter don't (You) me

It's not as hard as it looks, he makes it look longer and harder because he rewrites the equation for every little step.

It's basically just fill in the formula they give you

Some if the things that are part of your daily life wouldn’t exist for one. You’re a moron for two.

I specialize in languages and know English, Spanish, Portuguese, Latin, and conversational German. I’m pretty smart.

>Alphabetical letters inside your math equations.
Yes, Americans really do this.

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Learning languages isn't linked with IQ, sorry

Literally wrong.

your handwriting sucks

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It's a different part of the brain unrelated to problem solving (iq).

It's like saying you have a high IQ if you can memorise every line of your favourite anime

Geez, I only know Spanish, English, German and a little Japanese and Italian and even I can tell why advanced mathematics are extremely useful for virtually anything

Why are you posting your undergrad or even freshmanshit on Yas Forums

Babys first DSP

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>implying IQ matters
How much IQ do you need to be able to use a toaster? Why is genius level around 150 instead of 200 or 2 billion?

It's not useful for most things DESU, unless your a stem major, and even then

It’s literally only important for like building rockets. Outside that it has 0 use.

This is far from needlessly advanced. He's working out a discrete-time Fourier transform. Fourier analysis is an integral part of signal processing, which underpins and has applications to everything from wireless communication to music production to fast multiplication algorithms.

That limit is wrong retard. You didn't evem bother to explain it either.
Dsp isn't a freshman course, it's a junior or a. t best sophomore course

don’t argue with spergs user
for all their fancy mathematics practicality isn’t something they learned. divorce lawyer btw

it's unlikely that someone would ever take a picture of their messy formulas just because
it's more likey that OP is a leech that asked one of the other students to send him a photo of their worked solution

I hate slackers like you
shameful display

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You wouldn't be posting this right now on your computer without it

fuck you and fuck your vectors

>high schoolers now posting their homework on Yas Forums
Nice going, redditchanners.

This. It's freshman stuff, really simple.

I hate how I forgot everything about it. Fucking hell, it's been 3 years since I enrolled and I forgot how to do a fucking (fast) fourier transform.

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>Divorce lawyer
So your a kike?

this isn't advanced, it's remedial geometric stuff. Essential to engineers and simulation (GRAFIX) programmers

Ah, fourier. figures. I keep dropping out of calculus III. Fuck attending on saturdays.


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The stuff in OP is first year stuff here, I kniw because I took it

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Imagine being such a brainlet to not understand the reasons why this is done. Lmao

Imagine being an engineering brainlet that does nothing but crunch numbers that any computer can so faster and better and being so proud of your low IQ homework that you take a picture of it and post it in Yas Forums under the excuse that you got the wrong pic, expecting praise and admiration only to get shot down by jaded computer science and math students that did shit like this in kindergarten.

At least indicate your country
How the hell can you take dsp in first year.
You need to know linear signals and systems before dsp. Do you learn dsp while still learn digital logic design and circuit analysis?

Op here didn't post a single reply here. Legit made a mistake, I was going to post some Twitter screencap about ps5 undrperformimg but I lost it

>I was going to post some Twitter screencap
Low IQ confirmed.

>jaded computer science students
When I started CS I was so enthusiastic. Now I'm on my last semester, wrapping up my thesis, and I am already thinking where I can find a job that isn't CS related.
Programming should have remained a hobby, It's no fun anymore. I can't gather enough strength to stare at my personal project code after staring at work code...

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based work stealer

arg, fourier is calculus III; second semester of second year

studying engineering so we saw all the geometric/integral analysis first.

>jaded math students
you mean CS students in denial

Circuit analysis was 2nd year. I mean I say "DSP" but it really was basic math/labview/mathlab stuff. Something like in OP.

I say DSP but what I mean is very basic stuff like FFT etc. I think there was a class or two on nearest neighbor and DSP in AI.

It was an introductory course


Calculus 1-4 is 1st year here too and the course starts after it

>retards believeing this
OP just wanted to make another off-topic thread that will turn into Yas Forums shit