The next generation of gaming consoles will render PCs obsole

>the next generation of gaming consoles will render PCs obsole...

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games like this but the guy is black with a bbc?

>defiling NTR with niggers
Get. Out.

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VNs suck on gaming PCs. Best way to play them is on laptops.

don't know what NTR is but i want a nigger to defile much more than that if you catch my drift

>>games like this but the guy is black with a bbc?

Attached: nintendo soyboy misses obuma.jpg (1024x1024, 62.45K)

theres no way that dudes physique is achievable natty. hes like a blonde toguro. just waiting for the pic where he rips someone in half. the fuck kind of vn is this.

What's the autotranslate tool being used here? Got one pretty good nukige VN that is ready to go

why the guy on the left look just like me

>pretending to have standards as a literal cuck
jesus christ

White people in japan all look like pic related. No legit white Chad would stoop low enough to fuck ethniks when they have an endless supply of prime white females.

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Even niggers are better than you, cuck.


do you have the right time, old man?


Why are you making this thread every single day?

Your life.

Personally I’m a Netorichad

Exactly, japanese traps are better anyways

Thanks guys, can't wait to enjoy the adventures of dad fucking his daughter and breeding her with her horse

thanks user i am black with a bbc

BASED danny

Your point sort of falls apart when you realise that Asian women are the best women. You don’t actually achieve Chad status until you’ve nailed at least one QT Asian

Such a thing doesn't exist

I will now buy your game

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A fellow man of culture I see

What is this degeneracy

>implying you're not the cuck in this scenario
Nice joke, user.

The mother/daughter route has some of the best threesomes scenes in any VN

White women have more status. That's all that matters in normie relationships. Chad wouldn't caught dead with an ethnik who's beneath him in reality. Those are for betas.

but you just said i was black with a bbc? you can't just take it back!

>white women have more status
Lmaoing at your life senpai

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You play as the guy who gets his wife and daughter cucked.

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BBC cucks and ntr cucks are one and the same.
Yall both shit

PCs blow consoles out of the water when it comes to variety and specs
The only purpose consoles serve is a cheaper and more accessible alternative to gaming

i played this a long time ago but i remember you can fug your office lady friend so everything works out in the end

>Tribadism on Penis

although that sounds very good aswell, I'm fine with your original idea of me being black with a bbc but thank you for giving me such great ideas for games

it didn't used to be, but these past years it has been pushed like no other

Exactly what it sounds like

I don't even know what Tribadism is

I'm a retard and don't know it but it's called [AIL Team SOIF] Baiin Reijou ~ Suouin Sakurako no Zaie ~

Son, I'd like you to imagine two buns fighting over the same hotdog.

you have a lot to learn

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>this thread again
when will NTR fags learn no one wants their shit fetish anywhere near them?

Attached: TheyNeverLearn.webm (1920x1080, 1.96M)

>two buns fighting over the same hotdog.
Oh shit nvm.
I know what that is, but the phrasing made it sound like some weird high level fetish.

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>cucking people makes you a cuck
Found the cuck.

Who the fuck cares
How do I into machine translation?!

NTRfags are just as annoying as wojak spammers yet Yas Forums accepts NTR because it's an anime thing.

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>How do I into machine translation?!
You learn japanese grammar and hiragana/katakana, which are piss easy, and then use text extractors to pull up the kanji so you can understand the definitions of words.
Then you put those kanji into Anki, and study them for an hour or more a day and in a couple of years, you don't need machine translation.

>yet Yas Forums accepts NTR
speak for yourself.
I've seen people hating on NTR for years.
Even the japanese hated that shit back in the day to the point where companies wouldn't dare put that shit in a VN, but this new wave of otaku are so spineless they even want to be shat on in their fantasies.

I just love wacking my shlong like a little faggot